Publications & Resources

Our faculty, students and researchers work together everyday to contribute to a better world by grappling with urgent problems we are facing in India. We conduct rigorous work to produce high quality learning resources and publications to contribute to public discourse and social change. Here, we feature a sample from our work for everyone to access. You can explore featured resources, policies, and the latest publications from the University. 

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  • Article



    Graphical literacy or graphicacy is a critical component of scientific literacy. Graphs are used to integrate and represent complex sets of information requiring abstraction from perceptual experience. They form essential parts of the Mathematics and Science curriculum across school curricular stages. A key to developing meaningful pedagogic practices to inculcate graphical literacy is in understanding how students perceive and comprehend features of graphs and interpret them. This study attempts to understand how children from the primary, middle and high school years, perceive and interpret information in bar and line graphs. Two hundred and twenty-nine children from four different school contexts in Grades V, VII and IX were administered questionnaires and interviewed based on tasks requiring comprehension of graphs. It was found that children’s understanding of graphs was tied to the curricular progression which was significant at Grades V and IX. Comprehension of bar graphs with nominal data was easier compared to line graphs requiring integration of information from two dimensions and interpreting them. Further, graphs requiring preliminary levels of statistical understanding were easier to comprehend. While prior experience and facility with graphical conventions played a role, interpretation from spatial to symbolic representations posed challenges. Students did not have a clear preferred strategy or a linear comprehension trajectory, but moved back and forth between conventions, clustering of graphical elements and written content in questions, to make meaning. Those who had performed well used various perceptual strategies simultaneously. Further, they were found to employ transformational reasoning based on a sense of how things work’. It was observed that meaningful pedagogic practices at school and informal experiences outside the classroom aid graphical literacy.


    Sindhu Mathai, Parvathi Krishnan, and Jaya Sreevalsan-Nair

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  • Learning Curve Issue 18 Cover page


      The National Curriculum Framework for Foundation Stage (NCF-FS) document has not reached all teachers and is yet to be translated into regional languages. But as we wait for this, we thought we could start to understand it and the experience of some teachers in Azim Premji Schools and those who we work with in government schools in several states who have been implementing parts of it in their classrooms.

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    • Pathshala Issue 19 Cover page


        पाठशाला भीतर और बाहर के उन्नीसवें अंक के ज़्यादातर लेख पुस्तकालय और भाषा की पढ़ाई के विविध पहलुओं पर केन्द्रित हैं। इन लेखों में, अच्छी किताबों से ही अच्छे स्कूल पुस्तकालय की कल्पना साकार होती है व पुस्तकालय को जीवन्त और सक्रिय कैसे बनाया जाए, जैसे विषयों को उठाया गया है। एक लेख लोकतंत्र में संवाद की संस्कृति बनाने व इसके महत्त्व के बारे में है। साक्षात्कार में चिन्तनशील शिक्षक और इनकी रचनात्मकता के विकास की प्रक्रिया पर चर्चा की गई है। संवाद में, संवैधानिक मूल्य बन्धुता के भाव को विकसित करने के लिए स्कूली स्तर पर किए जाने वाले प्रयासों के बारे में अनुभवपरक विचार रखे गए हैं।

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      • Pathshala Issue 18 cover


          पाठशाला भीतर और बाहर का अठारहवाँ अंक पुस्तकालय पर केन्द्रित है। एक जीवन्त पुस्तकालय के बिना स्कूल की कल्पना अधूरी है। जीवन्त पुस्तकालय की कल्पना को साकार करने के लिए किए जा रहे कई अलग-अलग अनुभव इस अंक में शामिल हैं। इस अंक में शामिल संवाद’ पुस्तकालय और पढ़ने की संस्कृति पर केन्द्रित है। क्या पुस्तकालय एक शान्त जगह हो या यहाँ बच्चों को बात करने की छूट हो, स्कूली विषय व इतर पुस्तकें, आदि विषय भी इस अंक में शामिल हैं। कुछ लेख पढ़ने और लिखने के सन्दर्भ में नए अनुभवों व दृष्टिकोणों को प्रस्तुत करते हैं। एक लेख सामाजिक विज्ञान की विषयवस्तु और पढ़ाई से विद्यार्थियों में आलोचनात्मक जागरूकता पैदा करने के तौर‑तरीक़ों के बारे में है।

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        • LC Issue 17 Cover Page


            What exactly is reinforcing learning? Reinforcement is nothing other than a reflection of teaching on the one hand and learning on the other. Reinforcement should ideally be an aid to learning the principles that constitute a concept, since the basis of learning is to grasp the fundamental propositions of a topic. This issue includes reinforcement in the most important primary school subjects — so there are experiential articles in maths, language, EVS and science as well as an article on assessing reinforcement which illustrates that assessment, if done holistically, is in itself a reinforcement tool. 

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          • Pathshala Issue 17 Cover page


              गणना करना सीखना और संक्रियाएँ सीखना ही गणित सीखना नहीं है। गणित सीखने में बहुत कुछ है। इसके लिए गणित की भाषा सीखना और स्वयं गणित करना अहम है। ऐसा गणित, जो आपके दिमाग की क्षमता को खींचे व कर पाने की खुशी भी दे । इस अंक में गणित के लेख इन बातों को बखूबी दिखा रहे हैं। बच्चों को लिखना सिखाने पर भी इस अंक के लेखों में विस्तृत बात हुई है। संवाद व अन्य लेख लिखने के आयामों यथा लिखना और पुस्तकें पढ़ना-लिखना और मौखिक अभिव्यक्ति आदि को उभारते हैं। सीखने में अर्थ की भूमिका अहम है। जो भी सीखा जाना है, सीखने वाला अपने लिए उसका अर्थ खुद गढ़ता है और जब वह यह अर्थ गढ़ पाता है, तभी सीख पाता है। बच्चों को कविता का अर्थ खुद गढ़ने देने की बात करता एक लेख, कविता ही नहीं बल्कि कुछ भी सीखने में अर्थ की भूमिका क्या हो सकती है, रेखांकित करता है। शामिल पुस्तक चर्चा भी बच्चों के सीखने के बारे में बहुत से महत्त्वपूर्ण बिन्दु रखती है।

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            • Issue 16 Cover Page


                We all know the pure pleasure of listening to stories as children and we have, in this issue, articles that demonstrate how storytelling can be used to great success in subjects as diverse as maths, physics, social studies and inclusion in schools everywhere – urban or rural. There are descriptions of how discussions emerging from a single story can be skillfully used to arrive at some really important understanding. All this adds up to creating a channel of exchange that cuts across age groups and backgrounds and finds common ground in the magical world of stories.

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              • Language and Language teaching issue 24


                Globalisation has resulted in ever increasing linguistic diversities and a worldwide recognition of the need to support linguistic pluralism through education (UNESCO, 2003). Keeping abreast with the global trend, India’s education policy has provided for the cultivation of multilingualism by including at least three languages in the curriculum. However, in reality, India’s education system is guided by monolingual ideologies that disregard multilingual realities and promote a form of monolingual multilingualism” (Neumann, 2015). This translates into separatist pedagogy and practices that keep languages strictly compartmentalised at schools. Different time slots are allotted to teaching learning of disparate languages. Proficiency in a language is interpreted as the ability to use it without resorting” to any other language. In effect, monolingual ideologies function to reject translanguaging (Garcia, 2009), or natural language practices of multilinguals, that enter into classrooms. Strategies such as code-switching and translating are invalidated when they occur in spoken or written conversations in classrooms. This article aims to study the monolingual ideologies that permeate the education system to understand their implications for the process of teaching and learning in Indian classrooms.

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              • Pathshala Issue 16 Cover


                  पाठशाला भीतर और बाहर के सोलहवें अंक में शिक्षा के कुछ बुनियादी मसलों यथा शिक्षा में समावेशन, शुरुआती भाषा शिक्षण के पहलुओं, सामाजिक विज्ञान शिक्षण व नैतिक समझ के विकास आदि पर कक्षा के अनुभवों से उभरे व उन अनुभवों के विश्लेषण को समेटे हुए लेख हैं। चूँकि यह लेख कक्षा से अनुभवों से उभरे हैं, अतः यह उनके यथार्थ, संभावनाओं व चुनौतियों को सामने रखते हैं।

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                • Article

                  The canvas of science education

                  in Contemporary Education Dialogue




                  The canvas of science education needs to be viewed in its totality to prevent the confounding of some basic issues and to enable us to evaluate the fads and fashions in educational practice. Policies and processes in education are tacitly shaped by theories in the humanities and social sciences. Inadequate understanding of these theories, or the lack of attention to uncalled-for implications of their practical import, takes education in undesirable directions. To be a good science teacher has never been easy. The teacher is a master of knowledge in science. But that is not all. She is equally committed to the principles governing the practice and communication of science.

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                • LC Issue 15 Cove page


                    Wellbeing is a complex concept and while a wellness-focused school culture is key, it also requires a very individualised focus. Children function at the level of emotions. Their wellbeing depends on how the school, teachers, other students, and the entire ecosystem make them feel. In this issue, there are several articles that should make us think about how a child who is excluded feels. How does a child whose family life is full of strife feel in school? Why does another feel that no one would visit their home because they are poor or belong to a lower caste?

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                  • Pathshala Issue 15 Cover


                      पाठशाला का पन्द्रहवाँ अंक दो विषय क्षेत्रों- सामाजिक विज्ञान व इसका शिक्षण और स्कूल में भाषा सीखने की प्रक्रियाओं पर केन्द्रित है। अंक में कुछ लेख इस बारे में जागरूकता पैदा करने के लिए हैं कि सामाजिक संरचना हमें और हमारे काम को कैसे प्रभावित करती है। कक्षा अनुभवों पर आधारित लेख हमें यह समझने में मदद करते हैं कि बच्चे जटिल सामाजिक विचारों से कैसे जुड़ सकते हैं। बच्चों के साथ गहन अनुभवों पर आधारित लेख प्रारम्भिक भाषा शिक्षण और पढ़ना सीखने-सिखाने में मदद करते हैं। 

                      This Fifteenth issue Pathshala is focused on two areas; Social Sciences and its teaching and processes towards learning language in schools. Some articles included are to build awareness of how social structure affects us and our work. The articles focus on classroom experiences and help us understand how children can engage with complex social ideas. The articles based on rigorous experience of children also help them engage with early language teaching and reading.

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                    • Cover issue 1567 en US


                      Temporality is recognised as critical to the understanding of childhoods by contemporary scholars of childhood. This paper explores the varying temporalities through which marginal childhoods (and their educational inclusion), particularly those situated in contexts of temporary internal migration, are constructed in the Indian context. Drawing on ethnographic data from the city of Bengaluru, this paper problematises how dominant ideals around migration, childhood, and schooling frame migrant children’s lives through linear temporalities. Furthermore, the paper argues that policy interventions that ostensibly include migrant childhoods do not engage critically with the politics of linear temporality which, in turn, is central to the exclusionary dynamics of migrant children’s schooling. linear temporality; marginal childhoods; educational inclusion; temporality of schooling; migrant childhoods and temporality.

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                    • Article

                      Classroom assessment in higher education

                      in Higher Education for the Future

                      Higher Education for the Future


                      Classroom assessment is the process of documenting the knowledge, skills, attitudes and beliefs of learners. It provides essential feedback to both instructors and students to improve their teaching methods for guiding and motivating students to be actively involved in their learning. Assessment drives learning. Formative assessments enable the instructor to guide the students to learn well. Summative assessments enable the measurement of levels of attainment of course outcomes and act as feedback to course design and curriculum improvement. This article presents the underlying principles of assessment through a discussion of assessment approaches and their purposes, types of assessment items, quality of assessment and summative assessment plans. Quality assessment instruments can be developed through an understanding of the quality attributes of assessment items, the process of designing assessment instruments, designing a variety of assessment items, and devising plans to evaluate them through rubrics. An approach is presented for creating a summative assessment plan that can also lead to the attainment of outcomes as per the requirements of programme accreditation.

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                    • Pathshala Issue 14 Cover page


                        यह अंक कक्षा में बच्चों से खुले सवाल पूछने और सोचने के महत्त्व जैसे कुछ प्रमुख मुद्दों की उपयोगिता को सामने लाता है। वैज्ञानिक स्वभाव के मायने क्या है और यह कक्षाओं में कैसे प्रतिबिंबित होता है, कक्षा में विभिन्न पृष्ठभूमियों के बच्चों के बीच संवाद के अवसर कैसे बन सकते हैं, जैसे मुद्दों पर भी इस अंक में लेख हैं। इसी के साथ बहुत सारे लेख कक्षाओं को अच्छे से चलाने के तरीक़े सुझाते हैं, जिनमें बुनियादी गणित शिक्षण से जुड़े उदाहरण / लेख भी शामिल हैं। 

                        This issue brings out the importance of some key issues like importance of open questioning and thinking by children in classrooms. What does scientific temper mean and how does it get reflected in classrooms? How can diverse backgrounds get to dialogue in classrooms and along with that many articles that suggest ways of conducting meaningful classes including many examples from foundational mathematics.

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                      • LC Issue 14 Cover


                          This issue is about a term that is very much in the minds of educators today: Socio-emotional Learning (SEL), and which has become an integral part of learning and school life. Schools have Happiness Curriculums’ to develop self-awareness, enable effective communication, and work collaboratively towards collective goals instead of individual ones to bring equity to the learning process by becoming inclusive and empathetic. Teachers are looking at children as citizens who need to take their place in the larger social setting and learn to contribute to society while themselves leading meaningful and mindful lives.

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                        • Pathshala Issue 13 Cover


                            पाठशाला भीतर और बाहर के तेरहवें अंक में भाषा और गणित शिक्षण के कक्षा अनुभवों पर कई लेख हैं। संवाद में, कोविड के दौरान स्कूलबन्दी से विभिन्न स्तरों पर हुई सीखने की क्षति के प्रभावों व भरपाई के लिए सम्भव उपायों पर, शिक्षक प्रशिक्षकों के विचार शामिल हैं। अंक में ऐसे लेख हैं जो बच्चों की विविधता को दर्शाते हैं। विशेष रूप से एक लेख वन क्षेत्र के बच्चों बारे में बताता है कि स्कूल के लिए समय निकालने में कठिनाइयों के बावजूद, उनमें पर्यावरणीय अध्ययन और गणित विषय की अपनी समझ को लेकर बहुत आत्मविश्वास और क्षमता है। एक और दिलचस्प लेख, विज्ञान, वैज्ञानिक सोच और विज्ञान शिक्षण पर है, जो इस मसले पर हमारे सामने आने वाली चुनौती की गम्भीरता को सामने लाता है।

                            The 13th issue of Pathshala Bheetar aur Baahar carries many articles on classroom experiences of teaching language and mathematics. It carries a dialogue among educators on the after effects, programs initiated for and lessons for education arising from the COVID episode. There are articles that reflect on diversity of children and in particular an article on children of forest areas points out that in spite of difficulties in finding time for school, they have a lot of confidence and competence in EVS and even in Mathematics. Another interesting piece is on Science, Scientific temper and Science education which brings out the seriousness of the challenge we face.

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                          • LC Issue 13 Cover page


                              This issue of the Learning Curve tries to answer some hard questions about the present environmental crisis : who can we turn to make the changes required? How can we attempt to restore some of the lost balance? How can we make sure that this planet does not become extinct by the next millennium? Schools across the country are doing their bit, beginning with primary school, to create a well-informed, environmentally-aware generation. 

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                            • Article



                              Multilingual education is an urgent and pressing concern in the Indian educational scenario. While the National Education Policy (2020) acknowledges multilingualism as a resource in educational contexts and reiterates earlier policies calling for mother tongue-based education in elementary classrooms, it does not provide guidance in terms of how to productively accommodate multiple languages in the classroom. Multilingual education will be much stronger if it is based on a strong understanding of multilinguality — the idea that the human mind is fundamentally multilingual in nature. A new, but substantial paradigm of scholarship addressing multilinguality is that of translanguaging’, which views named languages as socio-political constructs and argues that multilinguals have a unified linguistic repertoire that they flexibly, creatively and adaptively draw upon. Accepting the grounding assumptions of translanguaging would has important implications for curriculum, pedagogy and assessment in educational spaces. In this article, we describe and critique the translanguaging perspective, even while acknowledging its positive contributions. We point out, especially its failure to provide guidance in terms of how to productively accommodate translanguaging in classrooms.

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                            • Pathshala Issue 12 Cover


                                पाठशाला भीतर और बाहर, जून 2022 के अंक में शिक्षणशास्त्र और कक्षा अनुभवों पर दिलचस्प लेख हैं। ये लेख शिक्षा की समसामयिक चुनौतियाँ और उनसे पार पाने के उपाय सामने लाते हैं। इस अंक का संवाद शिक्षा में कोरोना के बाद की चुनौतियों को सामने लाते हुए इनसे आगे बढ़ने की राह सुझाता है। इसमें जातिगत और भाषा की विविधता को सम्बोधित करते, समावेशन और सहभागिता के परिप्रेक्ष्य आधारित लेखों के अलावा एक शिक्षक का साक्षात्कार भी शामिल है। इस साक्षत्कार में शिक्षक ने अपने जीवन के समृद्ध अनुभवों को रखा है, जिनमें उसकी शैक्षिक यात्रा, खुशियों, चुनौतियों और सीखों की जानकारी मिलती है। 

                                The June 22 Issue of Pathshala carries interesting articles on pedagogy and classroom experiences. They bring out contemporary challenges and ways to overcome them. The Samwad is also focused around the post corona challenges and way forward. Apart from perspective articles dealing with inclusion and participation involving caste and language diversity, the teacher interview brings out the rich life experience of a teacher who traces her journey, joys, challenges and learnings. 

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                              • LC Issue 12 Dec 2022 Cover


                                  In the list of new teaching methods that teachers quickly thought of for online classes during the pandemic, the worksheet emerged as a learning aid that is creative, and participative, making children want to use their minds more independently. This issue features articles that showcase tried and tested methods of creating and using worksheets.

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                                • Issue 11 Cover


                                    पाठशाला भीतर और बाहर का ग्यारहवाँ अंक, गणित पढ़ाने और सीखने पर केन्द्रित है। इसमें, गणित और संस्कृति, प्रारम्भिक वर्षों में गणित पढ़ाना गणित के प्रति डर व इसकी उत्त्पति, गणित शिक्षण में ठोस सामग्री का उपयोग और गणितीय सोच विकसित करने के तरीकों और उनकी पड़ताल करते लेख शामिल हैं। हमेशा की तरह इस अंक में भी स्कूली शिक्षा के विविध आयामों पर कुछ और लेख शामिल हैं। 

                                    The March issue of Pathshala is focused on Teaching and Learning Mathematics. There are article exploring mathematics & culture, teaching mathematics in early years, fear of mathematics & origin, concrete material and developing mathematical thinking. As always you also have articles on different dimensions of school education.

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                                  • Article



                                    Since the last few decades of the twentieth century, we have been witnessing a major push towards universalization of school education in the countries of the Global South, both from policy advocates and from the grassroots. This verve in societal aspirations and policy action is definitely encouraging. However, this dynamism should also inspire us to rethink and reimagine the aims and practices of education in a rapidly changing context. Education as an organized human enterprise is intimately linked to the broader aims of human wellbeing, good life and justice. The policies and practices of Education for all, therefore, aim to realize these ideals. This special issue of the Journal of Human Values explores the significance of the prevailing conceptualizations of wellbeing, a good life and justice on education theories, policies and practices in the Global South.

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                                  • 9781032056814
                                    • School of Development


                                    It is easy to lose hope in the future. The 20th-century growth model is no longer viable as is evident from the spiralling climate crisis. At the time of writing this paper, the atmospheric carbon dioxide reading is a record high of 417 ppm. The current COVID-19 outbreak (and prediction of more such pandemics) is a grim sign of humanity’s distorted relationship with nature. Scientifc data related to the breaching of four of the nine planetary boundaries puts a dent on the aspirations and chase for unfettered economic growth and increasing material wealth. In reality, it is and always has been a dance of death resulting in several crises that we encounter today – extreme inequality, rising populism, degrading of our natural environments and violence and injustice of various kinds. Mahatma Gandhi warned of such a fate for India and the world when he wrote, “…like the proverbial moth (India) will burn itself eventually in the fame round which it dances more and more furiously”

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                                  • LC Issue 11 Dec 2021 Cover


                                      When the life-altering COVID-19 first struck, teachers and students alike had to re-organise themselves; teachers in their pedagogical methodologies, students in their learning capabilities. Overnight, everyone went digital – smartphones, computers and TV screens became the printed page and everyone learned as they went along. 

                                      This issue of the Learning Curve is devoted to the questions everyone had to face during the period of school closures: what can we do to mitigate the difficulties of adjustment that primary school children will undoubtedly face on their return to school? The most heartening aspect of the articles in the issue is the tremendous resilience and innovativeness displayed by everyone concerned in adapting to school closures.

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                                    • Issue 10 Cover


                                        पाठशाला भीतर और बाहर का दसवाँ अंक कक्षा शिक्षण की प्रक्रियाओं पर केन्द्रित है। इसमें एक लेख जेण्डर के मुद्दे पर हुई रोचक बातचीत पर आधारित है। एक अन्य लेख, बच्चे कक्षा में अपने विचार स्वतंत्रता के साथ रखें और शिक्षक संवेदना के साथ बच्चों को अपनी भाषा में विचार अभिव्यक्त करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करें, के मक़सद को सामने लाता है। कुछ लेख बच्चों की किताबों के उपयोग के महत्त्व को उजागर करते हैं और बताते हैं कि लिखना’ क्यों और कैसे अपने विचारों को अभिव्यक्त करने का ज़रिया है, न कि शब्दों के पुनरुत्पादन का अभ्यास मात्र। विज्ञान की कक्षा में समूह शिक्षण पर लेख उन सम्भावनाओं को उभारता है कि शिक्षक कैसे और क्या समझ बनाए और ध्यान रखे कि पीयर शिक्षण को प्रभावी और सही मायने में सहभागी बनाया जा सके। 

                                        सामाजिक विज्ञान पर लेख इस विषय की प्रकृति पर चर्चा करता है और कक्षाओं में पढ़ाए जाने वाले सामाजिक अध्ययन और बच्चों के सामने आने वाले मुद्दों के बीच अलगाव को उजागर करता है। कोविड महामारी के दौरान रोजमर्रा की चिंताओं का अभाव और भी अधिक स्पष्ट प्रतीत होता है जब कक्षाएँ, बच्चों और उनके परिवार की चिंताओं की ज़िम्मेदारी नहीं ले पाती हैं।

                                        Issue 10 of Pathshala Bheetar aur Bahar focus on classroom processes. There is an article on an interesting conversation around the issue of Gender, an article on freedom of expression in a classroom, teacher being sensitive and encouraging children expressing their thoughts in their own language. There are articles that bring out the importance of the use of children books, illustrates how writing is about expressing and is not a mere letter reproducing exercise. The article on peer-instruction in a science class brings out the possibilities that the teacher needs to have and the care that must be exercised in making peer-learning effective and truly participative. 

                                        The article on social science discusses its nature and brings out the disconnection between the social studies taught in the classrooms and the issues that confront children. The absence of day-to-day concerns seems even more stark during the COVID pandemic as the classrooms cannot take up the concerns of children and their families.

                                        These are just a few examples of the variety of articles and the issues raised in them. 

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                                      • Issue 9 Cover


                                          पाठशाला भीतर और बाहर के अंक 9 में बच्चों को पढ़ना-लिखना सिखाने की शुरुआत और आगे इसका विस्तार कैसे किया जा सकता है इस पर लेख हैं। कुछ अन्य लेख गणित शिक्षण से जुड़ी मान्यताओं, और ये मान्यताएँ शिक्षण और सीखने को कैसे प्रभावित करती हैं, पर केन्द्रित हैं। सामाजिक अध्ययन की कक्षा में परस्पर विरोधी मुद्दों पर की गई चर्चा कैसे बच्चों में आलोचनात्मक सोच विकसित करती है, से जुड़े लेख भी इस अंक में हैं। एक‑दो लेखों में लॉकडाउन के दौरान बच्चों व शिक्षकों के लिए आयोजित की कई कक्षाओं के अनुभव साझा किए गए हैं।

                                          इस अंक में समावेशन और समानता से सम्बन्धित दो लेख हैं। पहले लेख में शिक्षक‑शिक्षा पाठ्यक्रम के अन्तर्गत जेण्डर संवेदनशील शिक्षण क्यों व कैसे’ की पड़ताल की गई है। दूसरा लेख जनजातीय बच्चों को शिक्षा के दायरे में लाने और उनके लिए सीखना सम्भव बनाने के बारे में है। इस अंक का साक्षात्कार, अनुराग बेहार से राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति 2020 के मूलभूत तत्त्वों पर टुलटुल बिस्वास द्वारा की गई बातचीत पर आधारित है। पुस्तक चर्चा में जिस किताब की चर्चा है, उसका नाम है- एक स्कूल मैनेजर की डायरी

                                          Issue- 9 includes a range of articles on importance of and teaching of reading and writing to children. These explore how reading and writing maybe initiated and then furthered. Other articles touch upon beliefs about teaching of mathematics and how they impact teaching and learning and on how classroom discussion on conflicting issues in Social Science help develop critical thinking. Some other articles focus on the sharing experiences of organizing classes for children and for teachers during the lockdown. 

                                          There are two articles related to issue of inclusion and equity in education. One on of them explores why and how of Gender education in context of teacher education curriculum and the other is about education of Jan Jati children and making learning possible for them. The interview in this issue is with Anurag Behar and focuses on the foundational elements of the National education policy 2020. And the book discussed in the issue is Ek School Manager kii dairy’.

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                                        • LC i10 cover


                                            The articles in this issue are broadly based on the two aspects of play in learning – the innumerable lessons that are learnt from play – teamwork, strategy, inclusion, respect, sharing, handling fights, settling arguments, addressing bullying, and second, how play can be used as pedagogy for circular learning as well as structured activities such as educational videos and unstructured ones like pretend play. The idea behind both is to nurture the free spirit with which child must learn.

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                                          • Pathshala Issue 8 Cover


                                              इस अंक में 16 लेख हैं और इनमें अधिकांश लेख पढ़ना सीखने और उसमे रुचि पैदा करने पर आधारित हैं। शिक्षकों और शिक्षक‑प्रशिक्षकों द्वारा लिखे गए कक्षा अनुभवों और शिक्षणशास्त्र पर आधारित लेख, शिक्षण में बच्चों की भागीदारी बढ़ाने के तरीकों के विभिन्न पहलुओं को सामने लाते हैं। बच्चों को पढ़ना सीखने और उनकी लिखित अभिव्यक्ति विकसित करने में मदद के लिए, स्कूल व कक्षा में क्या किया जा सकता है, इसके बारे में विचार देते हैं। किताबों और पुस्तकालय से, डायरी लेखन व दीवार पत्रिका से, पढ़ने-लिखने की सामग्री से और बातचीत व कहानी कहने से सीखने में मिलने वाली मदद के विवरण भी इन लेखों में मिलते हैं। इस अंक का संवाद भी शुरूआती पढ़ना, लिखना, साक्षरता, संख्यात्मक और गणितीय ज्ञान पर केन्द्रित है। लेख यह भी दर्शाते हैं कि जब बच्चे पाठ्यपुस्तकों के अध्यायों पर काम कर रहे हों तो उन्हें बात करने और अपने विचार व्यक्त करने की पूरी आज़ादी होना चाहिए। 

                                              शिक्षक के साथ साक्षात्कार महामारी के दौरान बच्चों के साथ जुड़े रहने के प्रयासों का विश्लेष्ण प्रस्तुत करता है। एक अन्य लेख महामारी के दौरान बच्चों के अपने स्कूल के साथ सम्बन्धों की जटिलता को सामने लाता है।

                                              This eighth issue of Pathshala carries 16 articles. Learning to read and write is the foundation of all further learning. Most of the articles in this issue are focussed on learning to read and building of interest in it. The Samvaad is also focussed on ‘ Early reading, writing, literacy, numeracy and other mathematical knowledge’. Based on classroom experience and pedagogy the articles written by teachers and teacher educators bring out various aspects of the manner of engaging children and give ideas about what can be done in the school and in the classroom for helping children to learn read and develop their written expression. The articles bring out the changing role of the reader at different stages of the reading process, how working with the library and books, diary writing, Deewar Patrika (Wall magazine), availability of material to read and write, conversation and storytelling etc. help in learning and how peer learning, conversations with and among children help in this process. They point out that children should also be given freedom to talk and express when they are working with chapters from textbooks. The interview with the teacher presents an analysis of the efforts to continue to engage with children during the pandemic. One article of a different genre brings out the complexity of the relationship of children to their school as exposed by the pandemic.

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