Publications & Resources

Our faculty, students and researchers work together everyday to contribute to a better world by grappling with urgent problems we are facing in India. We conduct rigorous work to produce high quality learning resources and publications to contribute to public discourse and social change. Here, we feature a sample from our work for everyone to access. You can explore featured resources, policies, and the latest publications from the University. 

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  • LC Dec2020


      COVID-19 made it clearer than ever that the school does not and cannot be looked at in isolation from society. In this issue, there are articles that show not only teachers supporting children’s learning during the closure, but also how parents overwhelmingly supported teachers to continue their work; how, when all other ways of distance learning failed, the unanimous decision of parents was that the education of their children should go on.

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    • WIP19


        This working paper aimed to evaluate the impact of a quality-controlled mid-day meal program from a centralized kitchen on children’s nutritional indicators and learning outcomes. It also looked at household characteristics of students to determine their impact on children’s nutritional outcomes.

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      • WIP18


          This working paper reflects on the importance of how oppressed and exploited communities look at education, at the relations of power in pedagogy and curricula, how students internalize ways of looking at class life that come from their social location and so on in an Indian context.

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        • LC issue7 1


            This issue proves that children can, and do, learn, provided they get the encouragement, support, respect and dignity that is due to them during the process and after. The response got for the topic was so overwhelming that it led to the creation of a second part.. It is all about children learning. and enjoying themselves in the process, rather than just getting a formal education.

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          • Learning Curve Issue 6 April 2020 Cover


              Children are, first and foremost, individuals and so it follows that their developmental patterns are influenced by environmental conditions. With even twins differing in their abilities and milestones, it is near impossible to predict at what rate a child will learn. Thus children enter school with a wide range of abilities — and therefore possibilities.

              However, the assumption that all children can learn the basic curriculum at the same pace, in the same way and to the same extent and level- is unsupported either by research or by personal experience. If we agree that children have varied strengths (multiple intelligences) the it surely follows that teaching methods have also got to vary correspondingly and that there have got to be multiple teaching styles.

              This issue addresses many of these concerns and to do that we have a wide range of articles from writers across the country which establish resoundingly that every child can indeed learn — only it requires empathy and compassion from the teacher to make it happen.

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            • Lightbox
              • School of Education


              An immigrant, who worked in an American machine shop, acquired polite standard spoken English by reading romance novels in an 18-week adult extensive-reading English as a Spoken Language (ESL) class. Full time employment in the machine shop and once-a-week class discussions provided the only places where the student was routinely exposed to spoken English.

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            • Pathshala Issue 4 Feb 2020 Cover Page


                पाठशाला भीतर और बाहर के अंक 4 में एक लेख देश में महिला शिक्षा की पड़ताल करता है। एक अन्य लेख बचपन के अर्थ पर सवाल उठाता है और पूछता है कि क्या शिक्षा का एक मात्र उद्देश्य एक आदर्श बच्चे का विकास करना है; पत्रिका में शामिल एक और लेख शारीरिक दण्ड के सदियों पुराने सवाल की समाजशास्त्रीय पड़ताल करता है और एक दूसरे लेख का पहला भाग भारतीय शिक्षा पर मैकाले के प्रभाव की जाँच करता है। इस अंक के दो अनुभव आधारित लेख कविता कहानियों के माध्यम से भाषा शिक्षण के रुचिकर तरीक़े सुझाते हैं। संवाद में शिक्षकों व शिक्षक- प्रशिक्षकों के साथ मूल्यांकन और परीक्षा के विभिन्न पहलुओं पर बातचीत है। दो-एक लेख शिक्षा से जुड़ी नीतियों और इनके अमल में आने वाले मुद्दों की आलोचनात्मक पड़ताल करते हैं।

                The fourth issue of Pathshala ..” has an article that examines women’s education in the country; an article that interrogates the meaning of childhood and asks if the only purpose of education is to develop an ideal child; an article that examines the age old question of corporal punishment sociologically; the first part of an article that examines Macaulay’s relationship with/​impact on Indian education; there are two experience based articles on interesting ways to teach language using stories and poems; and a discussion among teachers and other educators around assessments and examination. Some of these articles critically examine policies and the issues in their application.

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