Stories of Change

Modern India has a history of a vibrant and active social sector. Many local development organisations, community organisations, social movements, activist groups, networks and non-governmental organisations populate the space for social action. 

Such organisations imagine a different future, plan and implement social interventions at different scales, many of which have a lasting impact on the lives of people and society. However, their efforts and, more importantly, the learning from these initiatives remain largely unknown, not only in the public sphere, but also in the worlds of development practice, and development education. This shortfall impedes the process of learning and growth across interventions, organisations and time. 

The Stories of Change: Case Study Challenge’ seeks to facilitate and recognise documentation of good practices of social change. However, unlike the usual good practices’ literature, the University’s focus is on reflections and learning, including capturing the limitations of such practices. These are recorded/​captured in a case study format focusing on existing interventions of NGOs, social movements, government programmes, and other development organisations including CSR foundations who are directly implementing the interventions. 

Three editions of the Stories of Change have been published. Volume III (2021−22) is a special edition on response to COVID-19 crisis by Civil Society.

You can download the three volumes below:

The Stories of Change Compendium-Vol I (2020) →

The Stories of Change Compendium-Vol II (2021) →

The Stories of Change Compendium-Vol III (2021–22) →

For any queries, reach out to us at case.​study@​apu.​edu.​in

Case studies