Publications & Resources

Our faculty, students and researchers work together everyday to contribute to a better world by grappling with urgent problems we are facing in India. We conduct rigorous work to produce high quality learning resources and publications to contribute to public discourse and social change. Here, we feature a sample from our work for everyone to access. You can explore featured resources, policies, and the latest publications from the University. 

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  • Learning Curve Issue 5 Dec 2019 Cover


      In this issue, we have a wide range of articles from writers who have looked at children with disabilities in a variety of ways- but through the same lens: inclusion. There are articles tracing the history of different organizations which have worked for several years to create opportunities for the education of children with disabilities, language acquisition, travel, opportunities for independence and respectful acceptance, among others.

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    • Pathshala Issue 3 Aug 2019 Cover Page


        पाठशाला भीतर और बाहर का तीसरा अंक स्कूली शिक्षा के दो महत्त्वपूर्ण सरोकारों पर चर्चा व विश्लेषण करता हैं- रटन्त पढ़ाई का मसला और सही मायने में सीखने का सवाल। शारीरिक दण्ड के ऐतिहासिक और दार्शनिक आयामों पर भी इसमें एक लेख शामिल है। इस अंक में कुछ अनुभव आधारित लेख भी हैं जिनमें एक ग्रामीण परिस्थितियों में शिक्षक की निर्मिति पर, एक स्कूल हेडमास्टर की यादों पर और एक इस बात से सम्बन्धित है कि हम बच्चों को कितना समझते हैं। भारत में शिक्षा के विकास पर लेख की ऋंखला इस अंक में भी जारी है क्योंकि इसमें यात्रा के एक महत्त्वपूर्ण कालखंड के अध्ययन को प्रस्तुत किया गया है। हर अंक की तरह इस अंक में भी शिक्षकों से साक्षात्कार और पुस्तक चर्चा जैसे स्थाई स्तम्भ शामिल हैं। 

        The third issue has articles that discuss and analyse two important concerns of school education – the question of rote memorization and actual learning. There is also an article on the historical and philosophical dimensions of corporal punishment. There are interesting experience-based articles – one on the process of making of a teacher, one on the reminiscences of a school headmaster and another related to how much we understand children. The series on the development of education in India continues as it covers an important period in that journey. Then there are regular columns like interview with a teacher and book reviews.

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      • Learning Curve Issue 4 Aug 2019 Cover


          It is certainly a platitude to say that learning can happen everywhere and at all times, at the most unexpected places and moments in our lives. However, that said, we also recognise that the school is a very valuable place of learning: formally and systematically in a graded way,level upon level so that we can tackle end-of-stage examinations which help us to choose our futures. But while all this is happening, a lot of undocumented and stimulating learning is going on simultaneously,
          In this issue, articles on experiential learning about the environment, reading as a means of expanding horizons as well as acquiring language skills, the morning assembly as a treasure house of the learning experience- are all here. Other articles have given detailed accounts of science as a dispeller of superstition and an enhancer of a spirit of enquiry and curiosity. Sports do more than just teach the rules of the game, suggests an article: they can internalise values, inculcate inclusion and gender equality. There is an array of perspectives on the learning within learning which, paradoxically, falls outside of it.
          All in all, this issue confirms what has long been felt and known — the learning that occurs outside the classroom is as vital as the formal pedagogy which takes place inside.

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        • Learning Curve Issue 3 April 2019 Cover


            This issue focusses on Textbooks and their significance in learning, how they are created, the ways they have been used and how they can be improved upon. The articles are based on classroom experience and as such are relevant and universal. Much thought has gone into the perceptive analyses by the authors, who have considered the full impact and importance of the power of textbooks.

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          • Pathshala Issue 2 Feb 2019 Cover Page


              पाठशाला भीतर और बाहर के अंक 2 में भारतीय शिल्प व चित्रकला में, शिक्षण सम्बन्धी चित्रों के बारे में लेखों की दिलचस्प ऋंखला शृंखला का पहला भाग शामिल है। यह लेख शिक्षा के रोचक इतिहास के एक पहलू को खोलता है। इस अंक में विज्ञान शिक्षण पर दो अन्य लेख हैं, जो इस विषय में कुछ काम करने प्रयासों और विज्ञान सीखने में मिलने वाले आनन्द व जुड़ाव की बात करते हैं। एक लेख फ़ेल न करने की नीति और इसकी ग़लत व्याख्याओं के बारे में है। एक लेख में शिक्षक की पहचान व स्थिति की पुनर्कल्पना करने की आवश्यकता, इसमें स्कूल नेतृत्व की भूमिका और चुनौतियों की चर्चा है। इस अंक में भाषा शिक्षण और सीखने के पहलुओं पर अध्यापकों से बातचीत भी शामिल है। महत्त्वपूर्ण भाषाओँ पर अंग्रेज़ी की पकड़ कैसे बनी, इसके विश्लेषण पर आधारित एक लेख भी इस अंक में शामिल है। 

              The second issue of Pathshala..” carries the first part of a very interesting series on schools as they were. The article brings out in an interesting manner how we come to know about what happened in earlier times. Two other articles on science teaching talk about the effort of making something work and the joy and engagement it brings to learning science. There are articles that discuss the policy of non-detention and the way it is mis-interpreted, the need to re-imagine the identity and status of the teacher, what role does school leadership play in it and the challenges the leadership faces. The conversation with teachers is on dimensions of language teaching and learning. There is also an article that analyzes the way English has captured the place of the most important language.

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