Publications & Resources

Our faculty, students and researchers work together everyday to contribute to a better world by grappling with urgent problems we are facing in India. We conduct rigorous work to produce high quality learning resources and publications to contribute to public discourse and social change. Here, we feature a sample from our work for everyone to access. You can explore featured resources, policies, and the latest publications from the University. 

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  • South Asia Chronicle


    This article explores the birth of multiple shipbreaking yards in India, such as Darukhana, Mumbai (1912); Sachana, Jamnagar (1977); and Alang, Gujarat (1983). It tells a story of how, specifically, the inception of the Alang shipbreaking yards is intricately linked to the changing geographies of ship disposal facilities in the 1970s and 1980s. This article demonstrates how India’s domestic policies on importing obsolete vessels for scrapping were in tandem with the shift in global waste flows. As major ship scrapping facilities closed in Western countries followed by Southeast Asian countries, shipbreaking yards mushroomed in different parts of South Asia, primarily in India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. This article scrutinises the convoluted image of the Alang shipbreaking yards as a passive recipient of waste” in the form of end-of-life vessels from the Global North.

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  • Pathshala Issue 18 cover


      पाठशाला भीतर और बाहर का अठारहवाँ अंक पुस्तकालय पर केन्द्रित है। एक जीवन्त पुस्तकालय के बिना स्कूल की कल्पना अधूरी है। जीवन्त पुस्तकालय की कल्पना को साकार करने के लिए किए जा रहे कई अलग-अलग अनुभव इस अंक में शामिल हैं। इस अंक में शामिल संवाद’ पुस्तकालय और पढ़ने की संस्कृति पर केन्द्रित है। क्या पुस्तकालय एक शान्त जगह हो या यहाँ बच्चों को बात करने की छूट हो, स्कूली विषय व इतर पुस्तकें, आदि विषय भी इस अंक में शामिल हैं। कुछ लेख पढ़ने और लिखने के सन्दर्भ में नए अनुभवों व दृष्टिकोणों को प्रस्तुत करते हैं। एक लेख सामाजिक विज्ञान की विषयवस्तु और पढ़ाई से विद्यार्थियों में आलोचनात्मक जागरूकता पैदा करने के तौर‑तरीक़ों के बारे में है।

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    • LC Issue 17 Cover Page


        What exactly is reinforcing learning? Reinforcement is nothing other than a reflection of teaching on the one hand and learning on the other. Reinforcement should ideally be an aid to learning the principles that constitute a concept, since the basis of learning is to grasp the fundamental propositions of a topic. This issue includes reinforcement in the most important primary school subjects — so there are experiential articles in maths, language, EVS and science as well as an article on assessing reinforcement which illustrates that assessment, if done holistically, is in itself a reinforcement tool. 

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      • Lakes Reservoirs 2022 Issue Information Page 1


        The present study analyses civic and community-based initiatives in conserving urban ecological commons in India, which have been increasingly polluted, encroached upon and degraded because of rapid land-use transformations. Bangalore, a city in south India, has one of the largest networks of manmade lakes, some of which are restored and managed by citizen groups, civil society, environmental activists and voluntary private bodies. The restoration process interfaces with urban policy making, shaping predominant management agendas in association with the State. Community initiatives in conserving the lakes are not only well-organised, but also play a crucial role in making city commons vibrant and integral nodes of cultural and social identification. However, the contemporary management system involving citizen groups in lake conservation is largely at odds with the tradition of community-managed lake systems previously existing in the city, which have eroded as the city became industrialised and increased in size and population, resulting in rapid landscape transformations. Against this background, the present study aims to illustrate that a seemingly representative community management of city ecologies is often embedded in an overwhelming political context. It also discusses the need for an urgent deconstruction to better understand how overtly flexible and dynamic restoration actions interact with inequality, power and conflicts. The results of the present study emphasise that the current participatory and community-driven initiatives of ecological restoration in Indian cities unfortunately accord limited significance to the overarching questions of social justice and relations of power.

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      • Pathshala Issue 14 Cover page


          यह अंक कक्षा में बच्चों से खुले सवाल पूछने और सोचने के महत्त्व जैसे कुछ प्रमुख मुद्दों की उपयोगिता को सामने लाता है। वैज्ञानिक स्वभाव के मायने क्या है और यह कक्षाओं में कैसे प्रतिबिंबित होता है, कक्षा में विभिन्न पृष्ठभूमियों के बच्चों के बीच संवाद के अवसर कैसे बन सकते हैं, जैसे मुद्दों पर भी इस अंक में लेख हैं। इसी के साथ बहुत सारे लेख कक्षाओं को अच्छे से चलाने के तरीक़े सुझाते हैं, जिनमें बुनियादी गणित शिक्षण से जुड़े उदाहरण / लेख भी शामिल हैं। 

          This issue brings out the importance of some key issues like importance of open questioning and thinking by children in classrooms. What does scientific temper mean and how does it get reflected in classrooms? How can diverse backgrounds get to dialogue in classrooms and along with that many articles that suggest ways of conducting meaningful classes including many examples from foundational mathematics.

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        • Magazine

          i wonder… Issue 9

          in Azim Premji University

          I wonder Issue 9 Dec 2022 Cover


            How was oxygen discovered? When was it first recognised as a chemical element? 

            How do we transform the science lab into a space that encourages students to learn about germination by designing and conducting their own experiments? 

            How do metaphors, explanations, and illustrations in textbooks and our classroom instruction shape common misconceptions about the atomic theory? 

            What role do empathy and care for local places have in addressing the ecological crisis? 

            Join us in exploring these and many other questions. 

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          • LC Issue 14 Cover


              This issue is about a term that is very much in the minds of educators today: Socio-emotional Learning (SEL), and which has become an integral part of learning and school life. Schools have Happiness Curriculums’ to develop self-awareness, enable effective communication, and work collaboratively towards collective goals instead of individual ones to bring equity to the learning process by becoming inclusive and empathetic. Teachers are looking at children as citizens who need to take their place in the larger social setting and learn to contribute to society while themselves leading meaningful and mindful lives.

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            • 9781032056814
              • School of Development


              It is easy to lose hope in the future. The 20th-century growth model is no longer viable as is evident from the spiralling climate crisis. At the time of writing this paper, the atmospheric carbon dioxide reading is a record high of 417 ppm. The current COVID-19 outbreak (and prediction of more such pandemics) is a grim sign of humanity’s distorted relationship with nature. Scientifc data related to the breaching of four of the nine planetary boundaries puts a dent on the aspirations and chase for unfettered economic growth and increasing material wealth. In reality, it is and always has been a dance of death resulting in several crises that we encounter today – extreme inequality, rising populism, degrading of our natural environments and violence and injustice of various kinds. Mahatma Gandhi warned of such a fate for India and the world when he wrote, “…like the proverbial moth (India) will burn itself eventually in the fame round which it dances more and more furiously”

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            • Magazine

              i wonder… Issue 7

              in Azim Premji University

              I wonder Issue 7 Dec21 Cover


                Why do party balloons rise in air? How high can they go? When do they drift to the ground?

                How much water do plants lose? Do they lose it only as water vapour? Can they regulate water-loss? 

                Which chemical bonds are stronger — covalent or ionic? How can we tell? 

                Can we grow a dense forest of native species in congested urban spaces or degraded land? How long would this take?

                Who were the first people to measure the size of the earth? How did they do it? 

                Join us in exploring these questions in our new section — Ask a Question. 

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              • Chapter in a Book



                Cities are often seen as incubators for enterprise and innovation. However, in this urbanisation era, we seem to suffer from a lack of imagination on how to handle the many environmental problems associated with expanding cities. This is especially true in the case of the peri-urban interface (PUI), a geographical and conceptual landscape with which the city core often has a contentious relationship. In this chapter, we look at the complex linkages between water and waste in the PUIs of two metropolitan cities: Bengaluru and Kolkata. We look at two water systems: Kannuru lake in Bengaluru and Kolkata’s wetlands. Kannuru is a freshwater lake that supported traditional livelihoods and subsistence use by local communities, while Kolkata’s peri-urban wetlands not only served as the city’s natural sewage treatment plant but also enabled agriculture and aquaculture. Urbanization has adversely impacted both these water systems. Kannuru lake is threatened by a landfill on its periphery, while sewage-based farming and fisheries in Kolkata’s wetlands have been impacted by changes in land use and composition of sewage. We unravel the complexity in the waste-water relationship, where waste is seen as a pollutant in one and as a nutrient in the other. We attempt to understand how we can re-envision waste and water linkages in the PUIs of expanding cities if India needs to move towards a sustainable future.

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              • LC Issue 11 Dec 2021 Cover


                  When the life-altering COVID-19 first struck, teachers and students alike had to re-organise themselves; teachers in their pedagogical methodologies, students in their learning capabilities. Overnight, everyone went digital – smartphones, computers and TV screens became the printed page and everyone learned as they went along. 

                  This issue of the Learning Curve is devoted to the questions everyone had to face during the period of school closures: what can we do to mitigate the difficulties of adjustment that primary school children will undoubtedly face on their return to school? The most heartening aspect of the articles in the issue is the tremendous resilience and innovativeness displayed by everyone concerned in adapting to school closures.

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                • Issue 10 Cover


                    पाठशाला भीतर और बाहर का दसवाँ अंक कक्षा शिक्षण की प्रक्रियाओं पर केन्द्रित है। इसमें एक लेख जेण्डर के मुद्दे पर हुई रोचक बातचीत पर आधारित है। एक अन्य लेख, बच्चे कक्षा में अपने विचार स्वतंत्रता के साथ रखें और शिक्षक संवेदना के साथ बच्चों को अपनी भाषा में विचार अभिव्यक्त करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करें, के मक़सद को सामने लाता है। कुछ लेख बच्चों की किताबों के उपयोग के महत्त्व को उजागर करते हैं और बताते हैं कि लिखना’ क्यों और कैसे अपने विचारों को अभिव्यक्त करने का ज़रिया है, न कि शब्दों के पुनरुत्पादन का अभ्यास मात्र। विज्ञान की कक्षा में समूह शिक्षण पर लेख उन सम्भावनाओं को उभारता है कि शिक्षक कैसे और क्या समझ बनाए और ध्यान रखे कि पीयर शिक्षण को प्रभावी और सही मायने में सहभागी बनाया जा सके। 

                    सामाजिक विज्ञान पर लेख इस विषय की प्रकृति पर चर्चा करता है और कक्षाओं में पढ़ाए जाने वाले सामाजिक अध्ययन और बच्चों के सामने आने वाले मुद्दों के बीच अलगाव को उजागर करता है। कोविड महामारी के दौरान रोजमर्रा की चिंताओं का अभाव और भी अधिक स्पष्ट प्रतीत होता है जब कक्षाएँ, बच्चों और उनके परिवार की चिंताओं की ज़िम्मेदारी नहीं ले पाती हैं।

                    Issue 10 of Pathshala Bheetar aur Bahar focus on classroom processes. There is an article on an interesting conversation around the issue of Gender, an article on freedom of expression in a classroom, teacher being sensitive and encouraging children expressing their thoughts in their own language. There are articles that bring out the importance of the use of children books, illustrates how writing is about expressing and is not a mere letter reproducing exercise. The article on peer-instruction in a science class brings out the possibilities that the teacher needs to have and the care that must be exercised in making peer-learning effective and truly participative. 

                    The article on social science discusses its nature and brings out the disconnection between the social studies taught in the classrooms and the issues that confront children. The absence of day-to-day concerns seems even more stark during the COVID pandemic as the classrooms cannot take up the concerns of children and their families.

                    These are just a few examples of the variety of articles and the issues raised in them. 

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                  • LC Dec2020


                      COVID-19 made it clearer than ever that the school does not and cannot be looked at in isolation from society. In this issue, there are articles that show not only teachers supporting children’s learning during the closure, but also how parents overwhelmingly supported teachers to continue their work; how, when all other ways of distance learning failed, the unanimous decision of parents was that the education of their children should go on.

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                    • Bahl Shrivastava Fiscal Transfers Inflation December 2019


                      Controlling for monetary policy, government transfers are potentially inflationary. This, however, may not be true when the economy is demandconstrained. Using a panel data of 17 Indian states over 30 years, we show that government transfers via welfare programs do not lead to inflation. For identification, we use a narrative shock series of transfer spending that is based on the introduction of new welfare programs. We then look at a specific program, NREGA, which has been shown to increase rural wages, and show that its implementation did not increase inflation.


                      • Girish Bahal
                      • Anand Shrivastava

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                    • Mehrotra Giri Size Structure Indian Entreprises December 2019


                        Most international development economics and industrial organization literature emphasises the importance of SMEs (small and medium enterprises) as important to output, but especially to employment generation. Countries have different definitions for SMEs. In India the MSMEs (micro, small and medium enterprises) are defined in terms of investment in plant and machinery or equipment. The MSME Ministry (Annual Report, Government of India 2017 – 18) stated that the sector accounts for 45% of the manufacturing output and 40% of the total exports of the country; also that MSMEs accounted for 30.74% of GDP in 2014– 15. Not surprising, MSMEs are considered a driving force of the economy.


                        • Santosh Mehrotra
                        • Tuhinsubhra Giri

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                      • Learning Curve Issue 5 Dec 2019 Cover


                          In this issue, we have a wide range of articles from writers who have looked at children with disabilities in a variety of ways- but through the same lens: inclusion. There are articles tracing the history of different organizations which have worked for several years to create opportunities for the education of children with disabilities, language acquisition, travel, opportunities for independence and respectful acceptance, among others.

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                        • Learning Curve Issue 2 Dec 2018 Cover


                            Teaching Learning Materials (TLMs) and Aids, which form the focus of this issue of Learning Curve, an indispensable part of a teacher’s bag of tricks, is a generic term that describes any material that supports and buttresses teachers’ efforts in getting a class of diverse capabilities to understand the basics of any learning. They have to fulfil some basic requirements: simplify concepts, provide the chance of practice, increase interest and motivation, help to explain complexities, concretise abstractions, enrich the course — though, of course, a single TLM may not meet all the above criteria. Thus, they are various kinds of TLMs, starting with the humble, but ever-present, blackboard (which has come in for much adverse criticism) and going all the way up to smart classrooms’, with all the advanced technology they entail. TLMs have the added value of aiding the memory — when children see how a concept/​rule of language/​experiment works, it is more likely to stay in the active memory than just learning the same thing by heart. This issue presents a wide variety of opinions and experiences with TLMs and Aids.

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                          • Report

                            State of Working India 2018

                            in Azim Premji University

                            SWI 2018 Front


                            India is one of the world’s fastest growing economies. To be a stable and prosperous democracy, this growth must be accompanied by the creation of meaningful, secure and remunerative employment. Realising this goal requires a grounded and comprehensive overview of the state of labour markets, employment generation, demographic challenges and the nature of growth.

                            The State of Working India (SWI) is envisioned as a regular publication that delivers well-researched, analytically useful information on India’s labour market, by bringing together researchers, journalists, civil society activists, and policymakers interested in labour and employment issues.

                            The report is based on the research of CSE staff, as well as on background papers which are available online. SWI conceives of India’s ongoing structural transformation as composed of two processes — movement of workers from agriculture to non-farm occupations (the Kuznets process) and from informal activities to formal ones (the Lewis process). But it adds crucial considerations of social equity and ecological sustainability to this standard framework. In the 21st century, Lewis and Kuznets have to meet Ambedkar and Gandhi.

                            Report Documents

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                          • WIP12


                              Despite economic debacles, recurring accidents”, reactor core meltdowns in Chernobyl and Fukushima and the cautious academic reflection it has engendered, civilian nuclear power continues to enjoy legitimacy in energy policy discourse. This may not be the case in all countries. But it is so in a number of influential states, such as, prominently, all the permanent members of the UN Security Council. Why does nuclear power persist in these and other key countries, such as India or Iran and Japan? How is it that economic costs, technology risks and weapons proliferation concerns point in one direction while energy policy and technology choice moves in the other? We suggest that for an important set of select countries this divergence can be ascribed to a discourse of power” that is pegged to domestic concerns and, more importantly, to international relations. This discursive process constructs energy and material abundance as the cornerstone of social stability, political power and ultimately national sovereignty and geopolitical influence. The atom’s energy remains prominent in such imaginaries of abundance, more so in contexts of fossil energy insecurity and climate change. The questioning then of nuclear power by environmental and social concerns has to also question this discourse of power. The latter’s sanguinity vis-a-vis abundant energy needs to be problematised. This is not the case today in international relations. Practitioners focus on the consequences of environmental deterioration. The problem of climate refugees, for example. This paper argues that realist frames of power and self-interest in international relations be acknowledged explicitly as drivers of the discourse of power and in turn the socio-ecological consequences that ensue from this pursuit of cheap and abundant energy. To challenge nuclear power ultimately is to also challenge this medieval yet dominant norm of power play that pervades large swathes of international relations.

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                            • Magazine

                              Learning Curve Issue 28

                              in Azim Premji University

                              LC Issue 28 Dec 2017 Cover Page


                                What happens within the classroom has the power to change lives — for the better or for the worse. We ourselves know from our own school experiences of transactions which empowered or disabled or left us unmoved, according to the atmosphere in the classroom. This is not quite the same as the relationship between teacher and student, vital as that is. In this issue, we have a number of articles which explore the boundaries of the classroom and its importance as an investment for the future.

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                              • Magazine

                                Learning Curve Issue 21

                                in Azim Premji University

                                LC Issue 21 Dec 2013 Ennabling Environment in school Cover Page


                                  The dictionary defines the word enable” as, to make able, to give power, means or ability; to make competent, authorise, to make possible or easy. The word enabling” when used as an indicator in school education can be defined as a comprehensive, multi-faceted series of empowering activities required to address the needs of youngsters facing barriers in the acquisition of both academic and life skills. In this Issue, we have tried to bring together articles recounting the experiences of practicing teachers, educators and students across India even one from a school at an altitude of 12,000 feet from distant Leh! — who have all been part of this process. We have articles that enlarge on the theme of empowerment through responsible citizenry by involving the community in the process, of methods used to facilitate collaborative learning by getting students and teachers to jointly examine their problems and concerns, of attitudinal changes enabled through dialogue.

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                                • Magazine

                                  Learning Curve Issue 17

                                  in Azim Premji University

                                  LC Issue 17 Dec 2011 Sports In Education Cover Page


                                    This issue of Learning Curve focuses on sports in education’ which explores topics ranging from the interpersonal and collaborative influences that sports have on children to the skills it develops, from the harsh realities about why people don’t take up sporting careers to the challenges parents face while bringing up sporting kids, from questioning notions of competition in sports to detailing the power of a sporting mind, from examining the contribution of the RTE to revealing the NCF’s take on sports education.

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                                  • Magazine

                                    Learning Curve Issue 11

                                    in Azim Premji University

                                    LC Issue 11 Dec 2008 Cover Page


                                      In this issue of the Learning Curve, read about how the Educational Development Index is calculated and what constitutes an effective education system. Krishna Kumar’s book The Political Agenda of Education’, a comprehensive account of the goals of the Indian Education system under British rule and its ramifications for independent India, is also reviewed.

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