MA in Economics

Next generation economists for a better India

Our programme helps you make sense of complex socio-economic realities with strong technical and economic skills. Our goal is to create sociopolitically aware and quantitatively adept students who engage with the public, private and non-profit sector as well as pursue postgraduate studies to provide contextual solutions for today’s pressing problems.

Who should join us? 

At Azim Premji University join us if you are looking for a programme that introduces you to the different schools of thought or approaches in Economics. Real world issues are at the forefront of our programme, and course content is grounded in India’s historical and social context. 

Our courses in the programme endeavour to develop the theoretical foundation, analytical and quantitative skills, and knowledge of research methods that are necessary to understand India’s complex socio-economic realities.They also introduce you to a variety of schools of thought, and prioritise hands-on and application-based learning. 

Why study with us? 

  • For a clear understanding of the Indian economy, real world institutions and economic development in the Indian context.
  • To develop tools of analysis, theory and concepts for practical application to current economic and development issues in the Indian context.
  • For a study of courses that help you understand historically grounded schools of thought within economics.
  • To experience an innovative pedagogy with problem-based learning, flipped classrooms and collaborative learning with the use of real economics data sets.
  • To train in communication for public and academic audiences, skills in problem solving and analysis and conducting independent research.

Programme Structure

Course Structure

These courses will support you in developing the skills and foundation necessary for a thorough understanding of economics, especially from the context of contemporary India and its development. We ensure that you are trained in using your economics knowledge in various contexts.

Our core courses train you in foundational knowledge and skills necessary for understanding economics from the developmental context of contemporary India. The courses cover traditional economic theory and methods, as well as the institutional developmental and ecological concerns we face in India.

Elective courses are offered in the second year and designed for you to extend your foundational knowledge. You can develop domain expertise in particular fields of advanced topics in microeconomics, advanced topics in macroeconomics, governance, gender, health, education, environment, public finance, and data programming.

We also offer you the opportunity to conduct an independent study or engage in real economic analysis outside of the classroom with an internship. 

  • Independent Study

    Students also have the possibility of taking an independent study under the guidance of an economics faculty member on a specialized topic of interest for additional credits. This will include intensive self-study, or a extended essay and research report. The option of an independent study must be exercised in consultation with the concerned faculty member and will be evaluated and approved by the economics faculty on a case by case basis. 

We relate to the world not only through the intellect but also with our bodies and creative abilities. In this set of courses and workshops, you will explore aesthetic, physical and expressive traditions. You can choose workshops in art, music, theatre, dance and sports or fitness.

All students must choose between a thesis track, that allows you to develop research skills, and an internship track, that allows for practical experience in the development sector. 


Through the Thesis Track, you can further develop your academic abilities by undertaking an original research project. You will demonstrate knowledge of economic theory, analytical depth of subject area, and quantitative or qualitative empirical skills through a chosen research topic under the guidance of a faculty mentor. 

Examples of past thesis projects: 

  • Zaeen de Souza (MA Economics 2019): Can Public Preschools Level the Playing Field?
  • Supriya Joshi (MA Economics 2019): Caste, Gender, and Work Status 
  • Raghav Chakravarthy (MA Economics 2019): Agriculture-Industry Linkages:

Determination of Output in an Open Economy 

  • Thair Ahmed (MA Economics 2020): Relative Prices and the General Price Level: A Study of Keynes and Leontief 
  • Akshit Arora (MA Economics 2020): Capitalist Accumulation and Crisis: A Comparison of Marx and Luxemburg 


The Masters’ Internship track has two components: a Masters’ Internship, and Community Engagement. The Master’s Internship entails an eight-week engagement, typically with a civil society organisation or government official, to gain practical experience of work in the development sector. In Community Engagement, students spend two weeks with an organisation or local communities to implement a project that seeks to tackle social or environmental challenges. In the Internship track, you will be able to put your theoretical and analytical knowledge into practice. 

In the first Winter Break, students are sent to work with ground organisations across the country, primarily in rural areas. This three-week intensive engagement is mandatory for all students, and helps cultivate a deeper understanding of socio-economic challenges that are faced by large parts of our country. It also helps students think about theoretical concepts in real world contexts, and apply qualitative research skills learnt in the first semester. 


● Thomas, A. M. (2022). Classical economics and Keynes. Economic & Political Weekly, 57(9), 70 – 71. https://​www​.epw​.in/​j​o​u​r​n​a​l​/​2​0​2​2​/​9​/​d​i​s​c​u​s​s​i​o​n​/​c​l​a​s​s​i​c​a​l​-​e​c​o​n​o​m​i​c​s​-​a​n​d​-​k​e​y​n​e​s​.html

● Basole, A. & Kapoor, R. (Eds.). (2019). Towards a Just, Dignified Future of Work: Lessons from India. Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA), Ahmedabad.

● Bahal, G., & Shrivastava, A. (2021). Supply variabilities in public workfares. Journal of Development Economics, 150. https://​doi​.org/​1​0​.​1​0​1​6​/​j​.​j​d​e​v​e​c​o​.​2​0​2​0​.​1​02608

● Yadav, S. (2022). Caste, diversification, and the contemporary agrarian question in India: A field perspective. Journal of Agrarian Change, 22 (4), 651 – 672. https://​doi​.org/​1​0​.​1​1​1​1​/​j​o​a​c​.​12487

● De, R. (2023). Economics and populism: Neoliberalism. In J.C. Chennattuserry, M. Deshpande, P. Hong (Eds.), Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century. Springer. https://​doi​.org/​1​0​.​1​0​0​7/978–981 – 16 – 9859 – 0_6‑1

Our Graduates

The skills of an economist are hugely valued by the public, private, and non-profit sectors. We train professionals who can combine their technical and quantitative abilities with a deep commitment for social change in the development sector.

We are proud of our graduates who now work for the following organisations:

  • Andhra Pradesh Centre for Financial Systems and Services, Government of Andhra Pradesh
  • Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy
  • Centre for Sustainable Employment
  • Good Business Lab
  • Jameel Poverty Action Lab
  • Datarivu
  • Sattva Consultancy
  • World Bank
  • Indus Action

Several students also go on to work with academic institutions or pursue higher education.




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