Arjun Jayadev

Areas of Interest & Expertise

  • International Economics
  • Economics of Distribution
  • Political Economy
  • Macroeconomic Dynamics
  • Economics of Power


Arjun Jayadev is the Director of the School of Arts and Sciences.

He teaches Economics at the University.

He has previously taught at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. He is also a Senior Economist at the Institute for New Economic Thinking. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and was an inaugural post-doctoral fellow at the Committee on Global Thought, Columbia University.

His research combines quantitative and theoretical analysis of Finance, Development, Political Economy and Intellectual Property. 

He is also the editor of the Journal of Globalization and Development (along with Joseph Stiglitz, Dani Rodrik, Jose Antonio Ocampo and Martin Guzman).


Publications and Writings

Journal Articles

  • The Global Consumption and Income Project (GCIP): An Overview,” Journal of Globalization and Development, De Gruyter, vol. 7(1), pages 61 – 108, June, 2016 
  • Loose money, high rates: interest rate spreads in historical perspective” (with JW Mason), Journal Of Post Keynesian Economics Vol. 38 , Iss. 1,2015
  • The post-1980 debt disinflation: an exercise in historical accounting,” (with JW Mason), Review of Keynesian Economics, Edward Elgar Publishing, vol. 3(3), pages 314 – 335, July. 2015 
  • Relative Income and Indebtedness: Evidence from Panel Data,” (with Michael Carr) ] Review of Income and Wealth, International Association for Research in Income and Wealth, vol. 61(4), pages 759 – 772, December. 
  • ‘Fisher Dynamics’ in US Household Debt, 1929 – 2011 ”(With JW Mason) American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, American Economic Association, vol. 6(3), pages 214 – 34, July 2014 
  • Rethinking Labour Market Policy: Alternative Manifestos” (with Kade Finnoff) Development and Change, Vol 45, number 5 2014 
  • Strange Defeat How the New Consensus in Macroeconomics Let Austerity Lose All the Intellectual Battles and Still Win the War” (with JW Mason) Economic and Political Weekly, Vol — XLVIII No. 32, August 10, 2013 
  • The Declining Labor Share of Income” (with Francisco Rodriguez), Journal of Globalization and Development, 2013, vol. 3, issue 2, pages 1 – 18 
  • Global Governance and Human Development: Promoting Democratic Accountability and Institutional Experimentation,” Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, Vol. 12, Iss. 4, 2011, pages 469 – 491 
  • The Stagnant Labor Market: Some Aspects of the Bleak Picture,” (with Michael Konczal) Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics, 2011, Vol, 33 Iss.3 Pages: 435 – 450 
  • Inequalities between Groups: Theory and Empirics”, (with Sanjay Reddy) World Development, 39, issue 2, p. 159 – 173, 2011 
  • Medicine for tomorrow: Some alternative proposals to promote socially beneficial research and development in pharmaceuticals” (With Joseph Stiglitz) Journal of Generic Medicines,2010 7, 217 – 226 
  • Two Ideas to Increase Innovation and Reduce Pharmaceutical Costs and Prices,” (with Joseph Stiglitz) Health Affairs, 28, no. 1, 2009: pp.165 – 168 
  • The Class Content of Preferences towards Anti-Inflation and Anti-Unemployment Policies,” International Review of Applied Economics,2008, Taylor and Francis Journals, vol. 22(2), pages 161 – 172. 
  • A Power Law Tail in the Indian Wealth Distribution: Evidence from Survey Data,” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Volume 387, Issue 1, 1 January 2008, Pages 270 – 276 
  • Garrison America” (With Samuel Bowles) The Economists’ Voice Vol. 4 : Iss. 2, Article 3. 2007 
  • Capital Account Openness and the Labor Share of Income,” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2007 31(3):423 – 443 
  • Guard Labor” (with Samuel Bowles) Journal of Development Economics, 2006, vol. 79, issue 2, pages 328 – 348 
  • Differing Preferences between Anti-Inflation and Anti-Unemployment Policies among the Rich and the Poor,” Economics Letters, 2006, vol. 91, issue 1, pages 67 – 71 

Book Chapters: Published or Accepted 

  • The Middle Muddle: Conceptualizing and Measuring the Global Middle Class” (with Rahul Lahoti and Sanjay Reddy) , Forthcoming A Just Society, Essays in honor of Joseph Stiglitz” 
  • Employment Guarantee in the Age of Precarity: The Case of India’s NREGA” (with Amit Basole). Forthcoming, Welfare in the 21st Century, Columbia University Press 
  • Distribution and Crisis: Reviewing Some of the Linkages” in The Oxford Handbook of the Political Economy of Financial Crises Oxford University Press, Gerald Epstein and Marty Wolfson eds. (2012)
  • Access to Medicines in India: A Review of Recent Concerns,” (with Chan Park), in Access to Knowledge in India, Bloomsbury Academic, Lea Shaver and Ramesh Subramaniam eds.,2012.
  • Patterns of Wealth Disparities in India: 1991 – 2002,” (with Vamsi Vakulabharanam and Sripad Motiram) , 2011. in Understanding India’s New Political Economy: A Great Transformation? Ruparelia et al. editors, Routledge 2011 
  • Income, Class and Preferences towards Anti Inflation and Anti Unemployment Policies,” in Be- yond Inflation Targeting: Assessing The Impacts and Policy Alternatives, Gerald Epstein and Erinc Yeldan, editors. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishers, 2009. (modified version of journal articles) 
  • The Enforcement Equality Trade-off,” (with Samuel Bowles)in Institutions for Social Well Being: Alternatives for Europe, Edited by Lilia Costabile, Palgrave, 2008 (modified version of journal article) 
  • The Rise of Rentier Incomes in OECD countries: Financialization, Central Bank Policy and Labor Solidarity.” ( with Gerald Epstein). In Gerald Epstein ed.Financialization and the World Economy, Edward Elgar, 2006 
  • Capital Account Openness and its Effects on Growth and Distribution: A Review of the Cross Country Evidence,” (with Kang-Kook Lee), Gerald Epstein ed. Capital Flight from Developing Countries, Edward Elgar, 2005 
  • Journal Articles: Published or Accepted (Not Peer-Reviewed) 
  • Jayadev, A, (2017) Mapping India’s Finances. With Amay Narayan and JW Mason, Economic & Political Weekly, Volume 52, Number 18, 
  • Jayadev, A. (2013) Tracing Some of the Distributional Consequences of Financial Reforms in India: 1991 – 2005. World Economic Association. http://​iia​con​fer​ence2013​.worlde​co​nom​ic​sas​so​ci​a​tion​.org/​t​r​a​cing- some-of-thedistributional- consequences-of-financial-reforms-in-india-1991 – 2005/ 
  • Healthcare Law in the US and the RTE in India Steps towards Universal Provision of Social Goods” (with Sudhir Krishnaswamy) The Economic and Political Weekly, Vol — XLVII No. 35, September 01, 2012 pp 31 – 37 
  • Reading the Signs at the Occupy Movement” The Economic and Political Weekly,Vol — XLVI No. 49, December 03, 2011 
  • When is the Right Time for Austerity: In the Boom not Bust”(with Michael Konczal) Challenge, November 2010 
  • Financial Reform in the US: A Brief Overview”, The Economic and Political Weekly, (2010) Vol. 45, No. 28, pp. 17 – 20 
  • A Blueprint for a Fairer and More Stable Global Economy”, The Economic and Political Weekly (2009), Vol. 44, No. 36, pp. 26 – 31 
  • When the Facts Change: How Can the Financial Crisis Change Minds?,”(with Anush Kapadia) The Economic and Political Weekly, March 28-April 3 2009 reprinted in Conference Volume on the Financial Crisis, Orient BlackSwan Publishers, R. Reddy, Editor. 2009 
  • The Credit Crisis: Where it Came From, What Happened, and How it Might End,” (with Anush Kapadia) The Economic and Political Weekly 43, Number 49, December 6 – 12, 2008 
  • Imagined Problems in Computing Wealth Disparities,” (with Sripad Motiram and Vamsi Vakulabharanam), The Economic and Political Weekly, December 22 2007 
  • Patterns of Wealth Disparities in India During the Liberalization Era” (with Sripad Motiram and Vamsi Vakulabharanam), The Economic and Political Weekly, September 22 2007 


  • Jayadev, A. UNWomen’s Inequalities Consultation: A review of key questions, ideas and issues. New York, United States: UN Women (Jan 2013). 
  • Measuring Relevant Inequalities: A Review to Aid UNWOMEN’s Global Inequalities Consultation. New York, United States: UN Women. (Jan 2013) 
  • Brief of Joseph E. Stiglitz as Amicus Curiae in support of Petitioners” (one of team writing support in Kiobel vs. Shell, Supreme Court of the United States Nos. 11 – 88 and 10 – 1491, 2012 
  • Creating an Inequality Adjusted Human Development Panel,” (with Alan Fuchs), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). 2011. 
  • The Declining Labor Share of Income,” (with Francisco Rodriguez) Human Development Research Papers (2009 to present) HDRP-2010 – 36, Human Development Report Office (HDRO), United Na- tions Development Programme (UNDP).
  • Credit Default Swaps on Government Debt: Potential Implications of the Greek Debt Crisis”, Invited Congressional Testimony to the House Financial Services Committee (with Robert Johnson and Michael Konczal) (2009) (10 pages) 
  • Size Cap Triggers as a Key Component of Financial Resolution”(with Michael Konczal), Political Economy Research Institute Policy Brief no.23 (2010) (8 pages) 
  • Comparing Financial Reform Measures: How Does the Senate Bill Stack Up?” (with Michael Konczal),Political Economy Research Institute Policy Brief no.21 (2010) (8 pages) 
  • The High Cost of the Banker Bailout: What Can Be Done” (with Robert Johnson), Political Economy Research Institute Policy Brief no. 5 (2009) (4 pages) 
  • Trade Access and Human Development in Cambodia,(with Gerald Epstein, James Heintz and Arslan Razmi) (2007). Subsumed into Cambodia’s 2007 Trade Integration Strategy”-UNDP Cambodia.