Dontha Prashanth

Areas of Interest & Expertise

  • Agricultural Economics
  • Commons
  • Development Economics
  • Economics of Caste and Discrimination
  • Economic History
  • Land


Dontha Prashanth has submitted his PhD in Economics at University of Hyderabad (UoH), Telangana. He completed MPhil and Integrated Masters in Economics at UoH. His present work focuses on the political economy of accumulation and dispossession of land from the lens of Caste. 

Further, he engages critically in the emerging policy framework of Tenancy reforms in Indian agriculture with a specific emphasis on transitioned nature of absenteeism post-1990s. His academic engagement is oriented towards understanding the existing socio-economic inequalities and their implications for the economy.

Prior to teaching at the University, he worked as Research Associate in the Indian Council of Social Science Research-Impactful Policy Research in Social Science (ICSSR-IMPRESS) project titled Access and Appropriation of the commons: A study of village commons in Punjab and Telangana’ at the School of Economics, University of Hyderabad, between 2020 – 2021. The future scope of work he plans to engage in is in the broader ambit of Stratification Economics.

He enjoys playing cricket and listening to music.



Journal Publications

Chapter in Edited Book

  • Prashanth, D., Balaji, P., & Srinivas, M. (2020). Changing context of caste, gender and land relations in India. In G. Sridevi (Ed.), Ambedkar’s vision of economic development for India (pp. 169 – 182). Routledge India. 10.4324÷9781003051572−12

Online Article