Kade Finnoff

Areas of Interest & Expertise

  • The Political Economy of Violent Conflict and Peacebuilding
  • Gendered Violence
  • Development Economics and African Economies
  • African Economies


Kade teaches Economics and she is a development economist, whose work primarily focuses on countries emerging from violent conflict. Kade holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and previously taught at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. 

Her work looks at the way in which the reconstitution of society after war is exclusionary or inclusive of marginalized groups such as, female headed households, children and people with disabilities. She has spent a number of years working on issues of inequality and violence, in particular sexual violence, in countries in Central Africa and more recently in India. 

Kade has also worked on economic integration of people with disabilities with various local and international NGOs in South Asia, Central America and Africa. Kade has also been a technical consultant for Amnesty International, UNDP, UNIFEM, and UN Women on a range of issues from pro-poor macroeconomic policy to gender budgeting of post-conflict development assistance.


Publications and Writings

Journal Articles

  • Gender Disparity in Access to the Rwandan Mutual Heath Insurance Scheme”, Feminist Economics, Vol 22 (3), 2016.
  • Marriage Migration and Inequality in India 1983 – 2008” (with Smriti Rao). Population and Development Review, Vol. 41(3), 22, 2015.
  • Decomposing Inequality & Poverty in Rwanda: The Role of Gender, Education, Wealth and Location“, Development Southern Africa, Vol. 32(2) Jan 2015.
  • Rethinking Labor Market Policy: Alternative Manifestos”, with Arjun Jayadev). Development and Change, Vol. 45(5), Forum 2014.
  • Intimate Partner Violence, Female Employment and male backlash in Rwanda”, The Economics of Peace and Security Journal, Vol. 7(2) 2012.
  • By What Measure? Family Time Devoted to Children in the United States”, (with Nancy Folbre, Jayoung Yoon and Alison Fugli). Demography, Vol. 42(2) May 2005.

Book Chapters: Published or Accepted 

Capital Flight from South Africa, 1980 — 2000” (with Seeraj Mohamed). In Capital Flight and Capital Controls in Developing Countries, edited by Gerald Epstein. Edward Elgar Publishing: Northampton, 2005.


  • Financing for Gender Equality: Review of UN Modalities for Post Conflict Financing in 2011” (with Diana Salas), UN Women, 2011.
  • Financing for Gender Equality: Review of UN Modalities for Post Conflict Financing” (with Bhargavi Ramamurthy), UNIFEM, 2010.
  • Human rights, inequality and economic growth”, Amnesty International, 2008.
  • Social Protection in Rwanda: Targeting Extreme Poverty and Vulnerability Through Pilot Projects”, United Nations Development Program, Rwanda, 2005
  • Pro-Poor Macroeconomic Policy in Rwanda: An Assessment”, United Nations Development Program, Rwanda, 2005.