The Economics group at Azim Premji University is home to researchers with a diverse set of interests and expertise in Economics. The depth and breadth of our research areas reflect our commitment to integrate different perspectives within Economics, and to have dialogues with disciplines such as history, politics, sociology, statistics and mathematics. We are driven by research questions that are relevant to the Indian context, and grounded in the social, historical and political realities of India. As a group, we are particularly proud of our collegial environment where we support each other to grow intellectually, instead of reproducing a publish-or-perish culture which continues to dominate the academic world.

From technical reports on Labour and Employment, to textbooks in Macroeconomics, faculty members in the economics group contribute to a wide variety of publications for a diverse set of audiences. Some of them also manage to find time to comment on Poetry! A select list of such publications is below. 

  • The Centre for Sustainable Employment is a research centre at Azim Premji University, whose aim is to generate and support research in the areas of job creation, employment, and sustainable livelihoods. Several faculty members from Economics are associated with the publication of the centre’s flagship report, known as State of Working India’. To learn more about the centre and its work, click here.
  • Macroeconomics: An Introduction by Alex Thomas

Student Research

Students in both our MA and BA programmes have the option to pursue a research track. Over the past years, our students have explored several interesting research questions, and successfully completed their thesis under the supervision of different faculty members. Complete list of past theses can be found here. 

Risk sharing, Endogamy and Graded Inequality in an Agent Based Model

Caste, Class, and Producer Cooperatives: A Case Study of Milk Cooperatives in Bihar

A Marriage of Convenience? Exploring the Complexities of the State-Firm Dichotomy in Capitalist Economies

Caste, gender and collective action in the informal sector: A case study of beedi workers in North Telangana

Representations of Marxian and Feminist Theories of Labour in Science Fiction

Social Identities & Economic Outcomes in a Small Scale industry: The case of Tirupur

Religiosity and Trust

Production in India : An Empirical Assessment of Labour-Capital Substitutability and Vulnerability to Automation in India

Saving and Investment in Marx’s Political Economy

Gender Convergence and its effect on Gender Discrimination in the Indian Labour Market

Role of Social Identity in the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwelling Communities (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006

The Political Economy of Newspapers in India

Dalit Women and NREGA: Participation and Implementation

India’s Pandemic Through the Lens of Consumption Expenditure: Capturing Welfare Effects

Ambedkar’s Economics: Correspondence with the Austrian School of Economic Thought

Understanding the Political Economy of Software Industry in Erstwhile Unified Andhra Pradesh

Income Shocks and Female Employment: Insights from the Pandemic

Evaluation of the Mid-Day Meal Scheme

Indian Garment Workers in a Fast-Fashion World: A Case Study from Bangalore

Interconnected: The Economy as a Network