
  • Interests:

    Digital Filmmaking, Visual Communication, Mass Communication and Journalism, Creative Arts


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  • Interests:

    ICT in Libraries, Library Management, Metric Studies, Research Data Management


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  • Interests:

    Gender and Development, Gender and Governance, Gender, Labour and Livelihoods, Financial Inclusion, Women’s Community Institutions, Feminist Movements, Queer Politics


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  • Contact

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  • Interests:

    Early Modern South Asia, Material Culture, Circulation of Material Culture, Histories of Knowledge Production, Public Histories


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  • Interests:

    Continuum of teacher professional development from pre- to in-service teacher education, Education policy making and advocacy, Implementation of policy and programmes, Quality frameworks and assessment of teachers and teacher educators, and teacher education institutions


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  • Interests:

    Language Education in Elementary Schools, Teacher Education


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  • Interests:

    Publicness and Gender, Women’s Labour, Sexual Politics, Literature and Politics, Science Fiction, South Indian Cinema, Culture and Globalisation, Digital Intimacy, Memory Work, Education, Social Justice


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  • Contact

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  • Interests:

    English Language Education, Second Language Acquisition and Research, Teacher Education, Applied Linguistics, Mind Mapping


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  • Interests:

    Industrial Labour Markets in India, Skill, technology and Human Capital Development, Labour Law Regulations in India, Transitions in Urban Labour Markets, 


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  • Interests:

    Multilingual Education, Translanguaging, Language Assessment, Language and Technology


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  • Interests:

    English Language Teaching, Curricular Material Development in Language, Designing courses in Language and Language Teaching, Teacher Education


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  • Interests:

    Accounting, Behavioural Economics, Finance, Mathematics


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  • Interests:

    Community-based Natural Resource Management, Human-Wildlife Co-existence, Conservation-linked Livelihood (Community-based Tourism, and Sustainable Use of Non-Timber Forest Produce)


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  • Interests:

    Language Pedagogy, Theatre in Education, Curriculum Studies and Teacher Education, Teaching and Learning Material Development, Children’s Literature, Children’s Library, Urban Sustainability, Biodiversity and Conservation


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  • Interests:

    Natural Resource Management, Forest-based Livelihood, Disaster Management, Social Security


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  • Interests:

    Forest Ecology, Wood Anatomy, Biology Education, Curriculum Development


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  • Interests:

    Philosophy of Education, Moral and Political Philosophy


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  • Interests:

    Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Biology, Philosophy of Special Sciences, Scientific Epistemology, Bioethics


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  • Interests:

    Socio-Emotional Learning in Children, Early Childhood Care and Education, Culture, Cognition and Learning, 


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  • Interests:

    Interface of Social Sciences with Public Health, Public Mental Health, Health System Research, Social Capital, Technology and Human Behaviour, Group Psychology, Health Communication


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  • Interests:

    Educational Equity, School choice, Social justice Schooling, Nutrition and Education, Food Philosophy, Global Food Politics, Sustainability


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  • Interests:

    Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT), Clinical Hypnotherapy, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), Brief Psychodynamic Psychotherapy


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  • Interests:

    Designing & Facilitating Effective Learning Experiences, Education Leadership & Management, Learning How to Learn


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