Prashant Kesharvani

Areas of Interest & Expertise

  • Interface of Social Sciences with Public Health
  • Public Mental Health
  • Health System Research
  • Social Capital
  • Technology and Human Behaviour
  • Group Psychology
  • Health Communication


Prashant Kesharvani has ten years of teaching and research experience. Prior to joining the University, he worked as an Assistant Professor at Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Guwahati campus for more than nine years. He also worked as a research consultant at the Department of Communication Research, Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC), New Delhi. 

He pursued a master’s degree in Psychology with a specialisation in social psychology from University of Allahabad and a PhD in Social Sciences of Health from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. His PhD work attempts to understand the role of social capital in public health. He also received the Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund (JNMF) Doctoral Scholarship to pursue his PhD.



Journal Articles

  • Kesharvani, P., & Sarathy, K. (2020). Living in a protracted conflict area: Mental health burden of women in Manipur, India. Psychological Studies, 65, 445 – 454. https://​doi​.org/​1​0​.​1​0​0​7​/​s​1​2​6​4​6-020 – 00581‑9.
  • Bamezai, G., Kesharvani, P., Yumnam, B., Goswami, S., Pradhan, A., Roy, A., & Ambade, B.N. (2011). Impact of internet on changing patterns of newspaper access and news-reading habits in India. Media Asia, 38(2), 110 – 121. ISSN-0129 – 6612.

Chapter in Edited Book

  • Sarathy, K., & Kesharvani, P. (2020). Caregiving in the context of protracted conflict in Manipur, India: Understanding the strains, pains, and gains. In A.K. Sarkar & S. Dhar (Eds.), Contextualizing Peace: Experiences of Contemporary India and Neighbouring Countries. Manak Publications.

Conference Proceeding

Online Article
