Development practitioners, both in government and non-governmental organisations, through their interactions and observations, gain insights and knowledge that can be of immense value to others. However, practitioners themselves are largely constrained by the nature and demands of their work and the scarcity of time and resources to document these learnings. In cases where they do, this documentation is not easily accessible to others. On the other end of the spectrum are the academics and researchers of development who focus on understanding social problems and documenting their assessment of development interventions but may often miss the real challenges encountered in the field.

University Practice Connect, then, is a mutual learning space on development issues that presents learnings and first-hand experiences that provide academic insights. The focus is to reduce the gap between the evolving theory of practice and the work that organisations are relentlessly involved in to make a difference on the ground.

All articles are organised under the following categories:


Connect with us

Browsing through these pages, you will notice that all engagements documented here are participatory. We are all participants and equal stakeholders here whether we are engaged in the development practice at the grassroots, or facilitators in supporting the work or the documentation of it.

There are experiences, insights, and learnings that have been presented here, which our partners –individuals, and organisations – have shared with us and helped us document. If you are an individual or an organisation that would like to document your work, experiences, and insights, we would be very happy to collaborate with you. Apart from this, knowledge-sharing and support are the prime objectives of this initiative. We would also be happy to collaborate in other areas, such as planning a new project, impact assessment, and capacity-building of individuals.

We invite non-governmental organisations and researchers/​academics from other institutes to collaborate by contributing to this website. We are also happy to partner with organisations interested in using these documents as learning materials.

To get in touch, please write to us at: practice-​connect@​apu.​edu.​in