Lab experiment

BSc in Chemistry

From medicine to rocket fuel— explore the central science that makes them all.

Chemistry is the science of matter and the transformations it can undergo. It embraces everything in the material world around us — the environment we live in, our bodies, the food we consume, the chips in our computers, the energy that makes the world function, and the lifesaving drugs that prolong our lives. 

Our programme provides a holistic, modern, and liberal education in chemistry. The courses in the chemistry major have been designed in such a way that they teach students to think like chemists. We recognise that chemistry is more than just the properties of chemicals and that an understanding of how chemistry works is more important than knowledge of the facts of chemistry.

Who should join us?

At Azim Premji University, join us if you are looking for a programme that incorporates a strong experimental (and computational) component in every course that teaches students the art and science of observation and manipulation of materials.The core themes of our programme intend to reflect the way a chemical scientist thinks in the laboratory.

  • Structure and Analysis: What is a substance made of?
  • Synthesis and Reactivity: How do I make it and how do I change it?
  • Model Development: How do I explain its behaviour and properties?

The core foundational courses are organised along these themes and integrate topics from all the subdisciplines of chemistry including physical, inorganic and organic chemistry. 

As students, you will work in laboratories equipped with advanced spectroscopic, analytical and synthetic equipment early in their coursework. The early exposure to research and experimentation in courses and the optional honours research project will equip you with the capacity to be self-directed learners and excel in any future career path that you may choose — inside or outside the scientific research world.

Why study with us?

We offer Interdisciplinary Openness

Our programmes encourage you to explore and follow your interests. We design our courses to ensure that you can specialise in a subject of your choice while learning various subjects across disciplines.

A Common Curriculum for all students

You will meet all your classmates at the beginning of your course to build all the tools you need for your four years of study. This includes foundational courses, an understanding of India, interdisciplinary studies, and courses in creative expressions.

We provide Academic Assistance

Our consistent academic assistance through language support, peer tutoring, faculty mentorship, etc., ensures that you meet the programme’s academic requirements.

We ensure Financial Support

We extend need-based financial assistance to students that cover tuition and accommodation expenses.

Programme Structure

Course Structure

The Common Curriculum will introduce students to the study of the themes and areas that emphasise and build critical and analytical abilities, and sensibilities for dialogue, reflection and cooperative learning. The Common Curriculum has three sub-components organised as below:

Foundations: Build capacity for critical thinking, reasoning and communication.

Understanding India: India’s history, society and possible future.

  • Creative Expressions

    As an essential component of the core curriculum, Creative Expressions courses utilise artistic mediums, sports, and embodied learning to cultivate creativity, foster social cohesion, and build resilience. Encouraging students to take risks in unfamiliar disciplines, these courses nurture curiosity, self-discovery, and overall well-being. Through Creative Expressions, students are empowered to participate with meaningful social connection, fostering a community of active and responsible citizens.

Students must be prepared for the world of work at the end of the programme should they choose to enter it. We aim to provide the required skills and competencies for this through a Minor featuring courses in an Occupational or Interdisciplinary theme. These sets of courses are aimed to provide both conceptual understanding and skills and tools that will allow students to contribute through work and further study.

Students can opt for a Minor in any one of the indicative areas listed below:

  • Media and Journalism
  • Climate Studies
  • Biodiversity Conservation
  • Data, Democracy and Development
  • Design for Communities
  • Arts Education 
  • Education 
  • Music Education
  • Sports and Fitness
  • Technology for Social Good

The selection of these Minors is based on the availability of courses and our evaluation of the student’s interests and academic needs. For each cohort, a final list of available courses will be announced at the end of their second semester.

Students can craft their own educational experience by selecting courses in the following ways:

  • Students will have the option to take additional courses in their Disciplinary Major.
  • Interdisciplinary Minor that will enable them for their further higher studies or career pathways.

These courses could also be selected to enhance and broaden their

  • Language skills and Quantitative reasoning capacities/​programming skills.
  • Understanding of themes outside their Major subject.

Classroom Practices

The goal of the chemistry curriculum is education, broad in its focus and intent. In practice, balancing education and training entails emphasis on a holistic view of chemistry that expands modes of thinking beyond the science classroom. Incorporating research, observation and experimentation skills, early interdisciplinary and collaborative research practice are some of the key considerations.

The chemistry programme aims to take students from a diversity of socio-economic and educational backgrounds through a four-year rigorous undergraduate programme that opens up multiple academic or career possibilities. On the one hand, while enabling a wide range of future options, accessibility and inclusivity form the core of the programme from a societal perspective. 

Honours Projects

The honours with research or internship section of the curriculum prepares students to further deepen their understanding and capabilities and allows for different pathways into higher education or entry into the workforce. 

Students interested primarily in the higher education pathway would be expected to do a semester-long independent research project, resulting in a thesis submission in the four-year programme. 

The research honours pathway is designed to give qualified students an opportunity to engage with chemistry research more intensively. Through the project, students receive rigorous training in posing scientific questions, conceptualising testable hypotheses, conducting experiments, and documenting their results in the form of presentations and a final written thesis. 

In the Chemistry Research Seminar course for 3 credits, developments and techniques in chemistry are discussed by selecting journal articles from current literature. Students will be able to use the seminar course to augment the skills developed through the research project by researching chemical literature, critically reading and evaluating scientific journal articles, and making scientific seminar presentations.



  • Electronic Structures Predicting Unconventional Chemistry. Aditi Chandrasekar. Annual Research Conclave. 12th-13th January 2023. Azim Premji University, Bengaluru.
  • Investigation of Insertion Type Product of Noble gas in Polyhedral closo-borate Compounds. Ruthvik Vasu and Aditi Chandrasekar. Science Undergraduate Research Conference (SURC). 8th-9th December 2023. Azim Premji University, Bengaluru.

Our Graduates

The programme in the form of electives, interdisciplinary studies and minors provides exposure such as to enable the students to explore a range of options that include careers outside the sciences. 

Advanced electives and a cutting-edge honours research programme in well-equipped laboratories give students technical skills for higher education, academic research or employment in sectors such as pharmaceutical industries, chemical manufacturers, forensic science labs, plastic industries, and agrochemical industries.

The option of taking a minor in different subjects in the programme with different skill-based training, such as Education, Media and Journalism, Data and Democracy, Sports and Fitness, Climate Studies, and Arts prepares interested students for careers outside research, industry and academia. 

These careers can involve applications of scientific and chemical reasoning skills such as research for environmental organisations, science policy and advocacy, science journalism and writing, intellectual property law, and higher education in non-science degrees. 

  • Rema Krishnaswamy and microscopy facility 1

    Know five reasons why physicists like microscopes

    Rema Krishnaswamy, physicist and keeper of microscopes at Azim Premji University, shares ways in which microscopes are useful in Physics and how it led to the initiation of the microscopy facility at Azim Premji University, with Nandita Jayaraj.


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