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  • Interests:

    Social Science Education, Textbook Research, Classroom Processes, Teacher Education


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  • Interests:

    Sociology of Literature and Art, Sociology of Education, Theatre in Education, Political Sociology


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  • Interests:

    Issues Associated with Schools, School Systems Issues, Schooling Processes in Challenging Locations, Educational governance and policy and implementation, Innovative Research Methodologies, Intervention design, monitoring and evaluation, Importance of Geography as a discipline, Disaster risk reduction, Understanding and Using Maps for Practical Purpose, Adult Education and Related Policy Issues


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  • Interests:

    Teacher Professional Development, Project Based Learning (PBL), Educational Assessment, Policies, and Management, Design and Technology Education, History and Philosophy of Science, Science Education


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  • Interests:

    Mathematics Education, ICT in Teacher Education, In-Service Teacher Education


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  • Interests:

    Teaching Social Sciences in Middle and High School, Educational Ideas of Tagore, Teacher Development, Curriculum Studies


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  • Interests:

    Early Childhood Education, Childhood Studies, Philosophy of Care, Sibling Care in Different Cultures


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  • Interests:

    Science Education, Curriculum Studies, Research Methodologies


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  • Interests:

    Teacher Professional Development, Assessments, Language Education


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  • Interests:

    Philosophy of Education, History of Education, History of Political thought, Collecting and Archiving Schoolbooks


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  • Interests:

    Science education, Nature of science, Epistemic practices, Argumentation, History and philosophy of science, Inclusive education for teaching science, Blended learning


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  • Interests:

    Sociology of Childhood(s) and Education, Childhood(s) in Global South, Educational Inequalities, Education and Social Justice, Migration and Education


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  • Interests:

    School systems and schooling processes in challenging locations, Implementation of educational policies and governance systems in armed conflict zones, Role of civil society organisations and humanitarian aids in violence prone zones, Nature of Human Rights in armed conflict zones


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  • Interests:

    Critical Education, Politics of Education, Gender and Education, Education and Development


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