Vetti Giri

Areas of Interest & Expertise

  • Science education
  • Nature of science
  • Epistemic practices
  • Argumentation
  • History and philosophy of science
  • Inclusive education for teaching science
  • Blended learning


Vetti Giri is a faculty with the School of Education. Prior to his appointment here, he was academic consultant at Central Institute of Educational Technology – NCERT, New Delhi.


Publications and Writings 

  1. Giri, V., & Paily, M. U. (2020). Effect of Scientific Argumentation on the Development of Critical Thinking. Sci & Educ, 29 (3). https://​doi​.org/​1​0​.​1​0​0​7​/​s​1​1​1​9​1-020 – 00120‑y
  2. Giri, V., & Paily, M. U. (2020). Effect of collaborative scientific argumentation strategy on achievement in biology among 12th grade students. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(3), 344 – 353. http://​dx​.doi​.org/​1​0​.​3​1​8​3​8​/​j​c​r​.​0​7​.​03.67
  3. Giri, V., & Paily, M. U. (2020). Effect of Toulmin’s Argument Pattern within TRGSR Teaching Learning Strategy on Students’ Metacognition. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24 (1). 10.37200/IJPR/V24SP1/PR201263
  4. Giri, V., Rohit, A & Paily, M. U. (2019). Personalised Learning-Technology Interface at Secondary Education. International Journal of Information Technology (IIJIT) 7 (4)
  5. Giri, V., Ambady, K. G., & Paily, M. U. Being Facilitator: Fostering Intrapersonal Intelligence through Reflective Practices. International Journal of Innovative Research Explorer, 5 (4).
  6. Giri, V., & Paily, M. U. (2019). Interactive Computer Simulations as a Collaborative Learning Environment for Building Higher Order Cognitive Skills (HOCS) in Science. IJR Journal, 3 (2).
  7. Rishi Valley School — The Implicit Practitioner of Multiple Intelligences Theory: A Case Study (EDUCARE Journal, ISBN No. 2319 – 5282).