Sustainable Farming Club

Fostering a community dedicated to nurturing Earth and its bounty through sustainable agricultural practices

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Asking how many young people are willing to pursue farming as a profession in the future reveals a stark reality — very few express such willingness voluntarily. In response to this trend, Azim Premji University introduced a Creative Expression (CRX) course named Sustainable Ways of Growing Food, during the academic year 2023 – 24. 

Following the completion of this course, four students were inspired to initiate a similar endeavour, leading to the revival of a sustainable farming club catering to all students and members at the University.

Emphasising hands-on learning, the club provides students with opportunities to apply sustainable farming techniques in real-world settings, fostering practical skills in managing organic gardens or small farms.

The sustainable farming club aims to promote sustainable agricultural practices, raise awareness about environmental issues related to food and cultivate a community of individuals enthusiastic about sustainable food production

Emphasising hands-on learning, the club provides students with opportunities to apply sustainable farming techniques in real-world settings, fostering practical skills in managing organic gardens or small farms.

Commencing operations in 2023 with five core members from the undergraduate and postgraduate batches and a university advisor, the club adheres to principles of continuity and institutionalisation. Each new academic year sees the onboarding of fresh batch members to the core team, ensuring a seamless transition of leadership and sustainability of club activities. Comprehensive orientation and training are provided to incoming core team members to effectively lead the club and uphold its values.

From tilling to sowing, the club has rejuvenated the land, cultivating a variety of crops including fenugreek, marigold, ladyfinger, spinach, and beans. Additionally, experiments are underway with beetroot, groundnut, and watermelon cultivation. 

The team in action

Central to the club’s philosophy is the sustainable utilisation of resources. Harmful chemical fertilisers, detrimental to microorganisms and the inherent nature of plants and seeds, are avoided. Instead, homemade fertilisers and organic matter such as neem cakes and vermicompost are used. Through these practices, the club seeks to convey that sustainable food production is achievable without compromising the land, ensuring a legacy of fertile earth for future generations.

The club’s ethos prioritises experiential learning, enabling members to explore and innovate without constraints. In addition, the club also organises movie screenings, seed-saving activities and field trips to nearby organic farms to learn from experienced farmers and gain practical insights into sustainable farming practices. 

The club also collaborates with other student clubs and student initiatives of the University to promote sustainability initiatives and foster a more eco-friendly campus community.

Explore The Future’, an initiative by the Sustainable Farming Club

Access the monthly update of our activities under the Sustainable Farming Club through our monthly newsletter. Read more about our experiences and planting stories:

Click to read the April 2024 edition

Click to read the March 2024 edition

Click to read the Feb 2024 edition

Contact us

Feel free to reach out to the team at susfarmingclub@​apu.​edu.​in to learn more about the club or in case of any queries.