
Explore diverse aspects of forests by way of puzzles, activities, quizzes and more 

Forests of Life Newsletter is a monthly limited edition newsletter curated by Azim Premji University, offering glimpses of our mega festival, Forests of Life.

Following a countrywide call, we selected a cohort of interns who collectively travelled through more than 110 diverse forests across the length and breadth of India. Each story they documented reveals different shades of the forest such as the forest-dependent livelihoods, the challenges of human-animal conflicts, and the deep association of indigenous communities with nature, and explores how forest resources can positively contribute to community wellbeing.

We initiated the Forests of Life Newsletter Series on 5 June 2023, celebrated as World Environment Day, to increase collective awareness and commitment to saving our forests for a sustainable future. Each subsequent edition was unveiled on significant forest-related dates throughout the year, celebrating mangrove ecosystems, indigenous peoples, forest martyrs, and currently, World Animal Day.

These newsletters transcend age groups, covering diverse aspects of forests from ecology and biodiversity to climate change impacts. It’s a repository of informative articles, videos, engaging puzzles, quizzes, and enchanting jungle stories. Artistic renditions from students across the country are featured in the Jungle Gallery, providing a visual narrative of forests based on monthly themes.

Our newsletters