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  • Magazine

    At Right Angles | March 2017

    in Azim Premji University

    RA Vol 6 No 1 March 2017 English Cover Page


      Volume 6 Issue 1: The Art of the Matter — can a picture be a powerful pedagogical tool? At Right Angles believes it can, and if you read the write up on the facing page, I’m sure you will agree with us. Going to the heart of the art is key to mathematics and there’s more of the same inside this issue. We begin with Ramya Ramalingam, a sixteen-year-old school girl, unravelling the mysteries of Knot Theory for us. And Haneet Gandhi picks up where her series on Tessellations stopped, with a fascinating article on tiling and the pictures we can create with different combinations and permutations of polygons.

      In the Classroom section, Khushboo Awasthi opens up the Square Root Spiral with a series of investigative questions; Ujjwal Rane proves Fagnano’s Theorem in several innovative ways. CoMaC describes an unusual way to bisect an angle and also manages to pull yet another 3−4−5 triangle which has long connected math with art pops up in Kepler’s triangle — read more about it in Marcus Bizony’s article. And in How To Prove It, Shailesh Shirali uses Ptolemy’s theorem to reveal all kinds of fascinating relationships in cyclic quadrilaterals.

      Tech Space features the first part of a two-part series on constructive definitions; Michael de Villiers shows you how to do so with a GeoGebra activity centered on the golden rhombus. Truely cutting edge math pedagogy!

      Our review this time is by Kamala Mukunda who shares her views on Liping Ma’s classic Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics. This is a must-have for every school library and a must-read for mathematics teachers of all classes.

      Finally, it’s Time — this Pull Out by Padmapriya Shirali will give you several new ideas to introduce this all important concept and help students quantify something which impinges on their consciousness long before they come to school.

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