Magazines for School Education

Quality learning resources for teachers, teacher educators, functionaries and those interested in the area of education. 

In our endeavour to provide good-quality learning resources to practicing teachers, teacher educators and educational functionaries, we bring out several publications which are available both in print and online formats. 

Some of these publications which were originally brought out in English are now also translated in Hindi and Kannada extending their reach and usefulness significantly. These periodicals promote dialogue among school teachers, practitioners and educationists on current discourses and perspectives on education, classroom pedagogy, research and on the ground experiences. 

These magazines provide valuable resources for science, mathematics, and language learning. They help build teacher capacity and facilitate more experiential and meaningful teaching-learning processes not just inside the classrooms but also in the school processes. These magazines also help build engagement of the school with the communities that they serve.

All the following magazines are available in the public domain free of cost. We also conduct weekly webinars where interaction sessions with authors are facilitated.

Recent Webinar

पाठशाला पत्रिका के अंक 19 में प्रकाशित लेख​‘कविता शिक्षण के मज़े’ के लेखक धर्मपाल गंगवार और लेख​‘कविता शिक्षण और पढ़ना’ के लेखक ओम प्रकाश विश्वकर्मा के साथ चर्चा में जुड़ें। 

लेख यहाँ पढ़ें : https://​bit​.ly/​3​W​9OsfF और https://​bit​.ly/​3​y​2NN7J

Read more about each magazine below.