Research Assistant – Centre for Sustainable Employment (CSE)

We invite applications for the role of Research Assistant – Centre for Sustainable Employment.

The Centre for Sustainable Employment (CSE) at Azim Premji University, aims to generate and support research in the areas of job creation, employment, and sustainable livelihoods. India is facing a crisis of employment and livelihoods, and it is important to generate secure, regular, and decent incomes for the vast majority. There is urgent need for fresh thinking that will make way for every Indian to lead a secure, dignified life in a just and sustainable way. This thinking must be both anchored in the real-world, and imaginative. CSE has been set up to foster fresh and creative thinking on this urgent and complex issue.

Please visit https://​cse​.azim​premji​u​ni​ver​si​ty​.edu​.in for more information about the Centre and its work.


Assisting faculty and post-doctoral fellows on research projects with data analysis, literature searches, proofing documents, and other allied activities. Research projects will be on various aspects of the Indian Economy with a focus on the labour market — in particular issues such as quality of work, job creation, structural change, pro-employment policies, skilling etc.

  • Master’s degree in Economics
  • Knowledge of statistical software such as STATA or R is required. Familiarity with a programming language such as Python is a plus. 
  • Experience working with economic datasets such as the NSS, IHDS etc preferred. Familiarity with the principal problems and the structure of the Indian economy is also desired. 

Please email the following documents to facultypositions@​apu.​edu.​in with the subject line​“Application for Research Assistant – Centre for Sustainable Employment ”

  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum Vitae