T‑Ed Talks 2.0 : Going Back in Time

Stories from the Teaching Practice of the 2020 BSc BEd batch of students

T Ed Talks

Embarking on a journey of inspiration, we present T‑Ed Talks 2.0, providing a unique platform for our fourth-year BScBEd students to share their transformative experiences gained during Induction into Teaching (IiT).

This three-month teaching internship programme, conducted at Azim Premji Schools across five locations in the country, as well as two schools in Bengaluru and Hosur, has shaped the professional practice of our budding educators.

This event is an opportunity to witness the reflections and insights of these future educators, exploring the myriad challenges and triumphs encountered during their teaching internships. 

Seven engaging presentations by our fourth-year students will delve into key themes such as Resolving Student Conflicts, Formative Assessments, Questions and responses in classroom, Learning by doing.

These themes span across content, pedagogy, and the preparation that goes behind the process of being a teacher.

The presentations promise to offer a deep dive into the intricacies of teaching, addressing both the art and science of education.

This event is open to all, as we hope to create an atmosphere that fosters collaboration and learning.

However, it is particularly beneficial for upcoming B.Ed students, Teacher Educators, Subject Educators, and anyone keenly interested in the dynamic field of teaching and learning.

Attendees can expect to gain valuable insights into effective classroom strategies, innovative teaching methodologies, and the experiential journey of becoming a teacher.

Speakers :

(BSc BEd students, 2020 – 2024)

Nidhi Tiwari
Prajwal Kishore
Asma Menon
Akheel Mohammed
Shalem Nissie
Jioo Nimkar
Vaishnavi Kr
Suchitra Sridhar
Alige Devaki


For any queries or information, you can write to ashruti.​seventra@​apu.​edu.​in or krishna.​h@​apu.​edu.​in

Know more about our Dual Degree in Science and Education programme