Inclusive Geography Lab Resources

Explore the journey of Geography Lab towards inclusivity. Discover how tactile teaching materials and innovative practices are making geography accessible for all learners, regardless of their abilities or background.

Click here for Tactile Materials in the Geography Lab →

Map collection catalogue

We are happy to present our diverse collection of maps. This catalogue contains a list of the maps available in the Geography Lab. We encourage you to browse the catalogue and find the maps that you need for your research, education, or travel planning.

Click here for Map Catalogue →

Rocks and minerals catalogue

This catalogue is a comprehensive guide to the rocks and minerals in our geography lab. It includes information on the name, type of rock, texture, colour, formation mechanism, grain size, and composition of each rock. This catalogue will be a valuable resource for students, teachers, and researchers who want to learn more about rocks and their properties.

Click here for Rocks and Minerals catalogue →

Diverse soil, rocks and natural vegetation of India

India has a diverse range of rocks, soil, and natural vegetation. We are grateful to our students and faculties for collecting samples from different parts of the country.

Soil samples from various parts of India can be used to learn about the different factors that influence soil formation, such as climate, parent material, topography, and vegetation. We have also collected rocks and other natural materials from different parts of India.

The soil samples come from states all over India, including Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Mizoram, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and West Bengal.

Click here for Rocks and Minerals catalogue →

Models catalogue

Geography models are a valuable tool for teaching and learning about different geographical concepts. They can help students to visualise and understand abstract concepts.

The models in this catalogue were all made from waste and recycled materials. These are low-cost or no-cost materials This shows that it is possible to create educational and informative models without using expensive or specialised materials These models were made by our second-year MA in Education students— Jacklin Minj, Ritu Kumari, and Sakshi Patel. The students have shown great creativity in using waste materials to create accurate and informative models.

We hope that this catalogue will inspire other students and teachers to create their geography lab models from waste materials.

Click here for Models made from waste materials Catalogue →

If you are interested in contributing to our collection, please contact saswati@​apu.​edu.​in