Nandita Jayaraj

Areas of Interest & Expertise

  • Science Communication
  • Reporting on Gender
  • Science Journalism
  • Children’s Literature
  • Depiction of Science and Scientists in Popular Media


I am a science communicator, journalist, and author and I am currently a Communications Consultant at Azim Premji University.

After a BSc in Biotechnology and an MSc in Bioinformatics, I studied journalism at the Asian College of Journalism (ACJ), Chennai. 

My first job was with The Hindu, a national newspaper based in Chennai. After two years of editing, writing and creating pages for the newspaper, I moved to Bengaluru to co-edit a monthly science magazine targeted at children. 

In 2016, along with my friend and colleague Aashima Dogra, I co-founded the feminist science multimedia platform The​Life​of​Science​.com which covers the research and journeys of underrepresented groups in Indian science, and reports on issues of access and inequity that exist within the STEM community. 

I am passionate about storytelling science and discovering novel methods to do so, especially using social media. Some of the memorable projects I have led are #365IndianWomenInSTEM (a Twitter-based campaign to highlight one woman in science working in India on each day of 2021), a mini-series on mental health in Indian science. 

I am also very fortunate to have edited a special series of comics featuring transgender persons in Indian science in collaboration with several artists and writer Sayantan Datta. 

My work has been published on platforms such as The Wire, Firstpost, ThePrint, Mongabay-India and Caravan. 

I have along the way authored a few children’s books, the latest being Rathna and the Ring of Fire (published by Pratham Books), 31 Fantastic Adventures in Science (co-authored by Aashima Dogra and published by Penguin Books), and Anna’s Extraordinary Experiments with Weather (published by Pratham Books).

I love bird watching, trying out different kinds of food and I have a burgeoning interest in natural building. 




Chapter in Edited Book

Book Review

Magazine Article

Newspaper Article
