Advanced Graduate Workshop (AGW) 2024

Two weeks of dialogues on Poverty, Development, Globalisation


AGW is an interdisciplinary workshop, directed by Joseph Stiglitz since 2006 and organised by the Azim Premji University and the Institute for New Economic Thinking. The goal of the workshop is to bring together PhD candidates studying economic development at a sufficiently advanced stage of their dissertation work to be able to discuss and receive feedback on their research. While we welcome applications from all fields in the social sciences, students should have some background in economics or familiarity with quantitative techniques.

Find the Call for Nominations (2024) here! In addition, please note that room and board will be covered for all participants. In case of selected students outside India are not able to afford the costs of travel, we will be able to pay for international airfares (tickets for students from within India will be covered regardless). Students who can pay for their international airfare are requested to do so.

The workshop typically has two distinct parts. Firstly, a series of lectures given by leading scholars and practitioners will deal with a range of economic, political and social issues pertaining to development, poverty and globalization. Secondly, students will refine their research and presentation skills within assigned small groups under the guidance of faculty leaders in preparation for a culminating workshop-wide presentation of their research. We have invariably succeeded in making these small groups supportive and friendly environments in which students feel comfortable to discuss and provide feedback on each other’s work.

Watch this space for more information.

In case of any queries, you may write to agw@​apu.​edu.​in