Field Project Fair | MA Development

Formative studies, pilot interventions, process evaluations, and more in areas like gender and livelihoods, sustainability, tribal communities, disability rights, and informal labour in different parts of India

Field Project Fair MA Development

The Field Project is one of the three critical field practice components of the MA in Development programme, which is designed by each student under the guidance of a faculty mentor to enhance their research and analytical skills and ability to engage with a social issue in-depth. 

One of the learning objectives of the Field project is to present and share student’s work to a larger audience. To enable this, the Field Project fair is scheduled on 14 – 15 February,2023, where students will display their work through poster presentations in different panels. Sharing below the details for your reference:

Panel themes

14 Feb 2023

  • Ecology and Disaster Management
  • Gender and Sexuality
  • Gender and Livelihood
  • Marginalisation and Recognition
  • Land — Rights and Identities
  • Tribal Communities
  • Agriculture
  • Community Health
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Education and Development
  • Culture and Education

15 Feb 2023

  • Migration
  • Informal Labour
  • Labour and Livelihood
  • Gender and Livelihood 
  • Sociology of Food
  • Urban Governance
  • Youth and Development
  • Water and Commons
  • Sustainability
  • State, Governance and Accountability
  • Collective Actions
  • Disability Rights

We cordially invite you to this event and appreciate your insights and suggestions on students’ work.

Here’s a peek into the presentations of the past years: 

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