Fantastic Women in STEM (and Where to Find Them)

Explore with Nandita Jayaraj a one-of-a-kind journey through India’s science laboratories in pursuit of the true story behind the gender gap.

Labhopping APU 20oct

Join us for a panel discussion and book talk on Lab Hopping: A Journey to Find India’s Women in Science, by Nandita Jayaraj and Aashima Dogra.

About the Book

From Bhopal to Bhubaneswar, from Bengaluru to Jammu, Aashima Dogra and Nandita Jayaraj engage in thought-provoking conversations with renowned scientists like Gagandeep Kang, Rohini Godbole, Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, and Prajval Shastri, as well as researchers at earlier stages of their scientific careers. These dialogues about the triumphs and challenges faced by women offer fresh perspectives on the gender gap that continues to haunt Indian science today.

Our labs are brimming with inspiring stories of women scientists persisting in science despite facing apathy, stereotypes, and sexism to systemic and organizational challenges. Stories that reveal both a broken system and the attempts by extraordinary women working to fix it. 

By questioning whether India is doing enough to support its women in science and if western models of science and feminism can truly be applied in India, the authors not only offer a comprehensive examination of the state of women in science but also offer a roadmap for the way forward.

About the Authors

Aashima Dogra is a science writer with several years of experience communicating science in popular media. She studied Scientific Research and Communication at University of Warwick and then went on to be a science journalist with The Asian Age, Deccan Chronicle, and then Editor at Mars One and Brainwave Magazine.

Nandita Jayaraj is a science communicator, journalist, and author and is currently a Communications Consultant at Azim Premji University. In 2016, along with Aashima Dogra, she co-founded the feminist science multimedia platform The​Life​of​Science​.com which covers the research and journeys of underrepresented groups in Indian science, and reports on issues of access and inequity that exist within the STEM community.