Panel Discussion: Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) and NEP 2020

Do we have enough ECCE trained professionals in the country to implement the vision of NEP 2020? What kind of knowledge, skills and perspectives are required to engage with children in their early foundation years?


The foundational stage is the most crucial and first stage of five years in the 5+3+3+4 curricular and pedagogical structure of school education, as envisioned in the NEP 2020. The foundational stage envisions an integrated approach to Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) for children between ages 3 – 8. 

The transformative nature of this phase of education is expected to qualitatively improve the content and outcome of education, thereby, impacting the lives of our children towards a better future.

Moreover, all studies and research related to the early period of development of a child lead to the conclusion that high-quality care and education during this period has a lifetime of positive consequences for all individuals and thus, the nation.

Join our interactive webinar and delve into the practical implications of NEP in the context of ECCE. The experts will discuss the key policy recommendations and suggested strategies for implementation with respect to the school infrastructure, pedagogy, learning environment, classroom processes, assessment, and the need for teacher training/​professional development.

Who should join?

This webinar is ideal for teachers, educators, NGO professionals, and other leaders engaged with working with children in the early years. It is also ideal for working professionals who are concerned about issues in education and are keen to explore careers in the education sector.

Our Panelists

1. Asha Singh – Child Development and ECE Specialist and Retired Faculty member, Delhi University 

2. Jigisha Shastri – Early Childhood Care and Education Specialist

3. Shipra Suneja–Faculty member, Azim Premji University

4. Ira Joshi–Faculty member, Azim Premji University