Status of Biology Education in India

How does India train its students in biological sciences at the undergraduate level? What are the current and upcoming initiatives in science education in India — what are the areas of improvement? What curriculum and pedagogy can educators apply so that students can use their knowledge of biology in varied fields in a meaningful way?

To know the answers of such questions, join the virtual event wherein Professor LS Shashidhara will share his thoughts on the status of biology education in India. Sravanti Uppaluri & Kaustubh Rau will present the new undergraduate biology e‑book — iThink Biology (ithinkbi​ol​o​gy​.in)

Catch the discussion live on Azim Premji University YouTube Channel.

Date: Friday, December 3, 2021
Time: 5 PM
YouTube Link: bit​.do/​b​i​o​l​o​g​y​e​d​u​c​a​t​i​o​n​india
