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Water and Air Quality Workshop for Residents and Communities: A Foundation Course

A 5‑day course to learn more about water and air quality

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Water and air pollution are significant environmental challenges in India. Pollutants from industrial, agricultural and domestic sources are contaminating many water bodies, posing serious health risks to the population. Unfortunately, a large percentage of the population lacks access to clean drinking water, leading to waterborne illnesses. Moreover, over-extraction of groundwater has caused water levels and quality to decline in many regions. 

Air quality in many Indian cities is often hazardous, particularly during post-harvest and winter months due to stubble burning and temperature inversions. High levels of air pollutants, such as PM2.5 and PM10, have been linked to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases among the population. Despite efforts to monitor and control pollution, it remains a significant challenge for the community that requires immediate action.


Clean water and air are essential for community health and well-being. This workshop is customised to

  • build knowledge and inform practice related to implementing micro-actions at the community scale to spread awareness on pollution-related issues. 
  • sensitise motivated residents and local community leaders towards a holistic approach to cleaner water and air quality;
  • help communities become competent, advocate for effective policies, promote good regulatory practices and enhance their knowledge; 
  • build capacity to spread awareness for pollution reduction

Members of Resident Welfare Associations (RWAs), local leaders, civil society representatives, community members

  • The participants will understand the water and air quality issues prevalent in their local areas.
  • This workshop will equip participants with knowledge, tools, and strategies to improve the quality of air and water.
  • The participants after the workshop will also get field-based kits/​information booklets to identify issues of pollution and their management at the micro level. 

This training programme will include hands-on sessions with field-based kits, resource material, lecture presentations, audio-visuals, and case studies through interaction with local communities. Classroom sessions knowledge imparting will be combined with detailed discussions, questions and answers, and experience-sharing sessions. Reading material and reference documents will also be shared for an in-depth understanding of the issues.

More details of the upcoming batch available here.

Applications are now closed.

Course Faculty