Mohmmad Irshad Rather

Areas of Interest & Expertise

  • Limnology
  • Water Pollution
  • Water Quality
  • Freshwater Ecology
  • Algal Ecology
  • Lake Management
  • Lake Restoration
  • Environmental Pollution


Irshad is a limnologist cum environmentalist with a Master’s and PhD degree in Environmental science from the University of Kashmir, India. He was the recipient of a Senior Research Fellowship from the University Grants Commission (UGC) during his research programme.

Irshad has previously worked as an assistant professor in the Department of Environmental Science at the University of Kashmir for five years and was also involved in the preparation of an e‑content modular course for environmental science (BA LLB), sponsored by the National Mission on Education through ICT (NMEICT), Ministry of Education. 

Irshad’s research interests include the ecology of Freshwater ecosystems (lakes, wetlands, rivers) and their restoration. Irshad is currently involved in understanding different issues and problems faced by fragile aquatic ecosystems and how can we manage and restore them scientifically through new and innovative interventions. 

He has also worked on different research projects viz., Ecological monitoring of Dal Lake, EIA of Kishenganga project, EIA of Pahalgam development project. 

Irshad takes a keen interest in sports.

Certificate Courses


  • Zargar, U. R., & Rather, M. I. (2023). Ecological Indicators in Aquatic Ecosystems: emerging trends and future indices. Taylor and Francis Publishing House, United Kingdom (Accepted).
  • Zargar, U. R., & Rather, M. I. (2017). Environmental Issues- Awareness, concerns, and management. NPH Publishing House, New Delhi.

Book Chapter

Journal Articles

  • Zargar, U. R., Chishti, M. Z., Rather, M. I., & Rehman, M. (2022). Parasites as Emerging Biomonitoring Tools-Promises and Pitfalls. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences, 92, 731 – 739. https://​doi​.org/​1​0​.​1​0​0​7​/​s​4​0​0​1​1-022 – 01406‑7
  • Rashid, I., Rather, M. I., & Khanday, S. A. (2021). Investigating the 2017 erratic fishkill episode in the Jhelum river, Kashmir Himalaya. Pollutants, 1(2), 87 – 94. https://​doi​.org/​1​0​.​3​3​9​0​/​p​o​l​l​u​t​a​n​t​s​1​0​20008
  • Rather, M. I., Yousuf, A. R., & Zargar, U. R. (2020). Deweeding as a lake management intervention- A critical analysis. J. Himalayan Ecol. Sustain. Dev., 15, 6 – 14. http://​envirsc​.uok​.edu​.in/​F​i​l​e​s​/​a​b​1​a​c​1​f​1​-​0​7​e​3​-​4​2​a​2​-​8​5​b​c​-​8​3​7​1​7​e​f​3​9​1​5​5​/​J​o​u​r​n​a​l​/​e​3​3​e​7​1​6​5​-​e​2​9​d​-​4​f​a​0​-9738 – 49c1c7b1dbee.pdf
  • Zargar, U. R., Chishti, M. Z., Rather, M. I., & Rehman, M. (2017). Biomonitoring potential of a Caryophyllaeid tapeworm: Evaluation of Adenoscolex oreini infection level and health status in three fish species of the genus Schizothorax across eutrophication and pollution gradients. Ecological Indicators, 80, 100 – 110. https://​doi​.org/​1​0​.​1​0​1​6​/​j​.​e​c​o​l​i​n​d​.​2​0​1​7​.​0​6.025
  • Rather, M. I., Rashid, I., Shahi, N., Murtaza, K. O., Hassan, K., Yousuf, A. R and Shah, I. Y. (2016). Massive land system changes impact water quality of the Jhelum River in Kashmir Himalaya. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 188(3), 1 – 20.‑5190‑x
  • Zargar, U. R., Chishti, M. Z., Rather, M. I., & Khanday, S. A. (2017). Infection dynamics of Caryophyllaeid tapeworm, Adenoscolex oreini Fotedar, 1958 and impacts of intra-lake pollution gradient on intermediate host (copepods) and health attributes of Schizothorax spp. Parasitology Open, 3(6), 1 – 13. https://​doi​.org/​1​0​.​1​0​1​7​/​p​a​o​.​2​017.6
  • Rather, M. I., Shahi, N., Yousuf, A. R., Rehman, M., & Meraj, M. (2016). Spatial and temporal distribution of various forms of nitrogen in Dal Lake, Kashmir Himalaya. International Journal of Current Research, 8(2), 25915 – 25923.
  • Rehman, M., Yousuf, A. R., Balkhi, M. H., Rather, M. I., Shahi, N., Meraj, M., & Hassan, K. (2016). Dredging induced changes in zooplankton community and water quality in Dal Lake, Kashmir, India. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 10(12), 538 – 551.
  • Khanday, S. A., Yousuf, A. R., Reshi, Z. A., Jehangir, A., & Rather, M. I. (2016). A depth-based community architectural account of some macrophytes in Anchar Lake of Kashmir Valley, India. JHESD, 11, 6 – 57.
  • Meraj, M., Yousuf, A. R., Bhat, F. A., Ali, M. N., Ganai, B. A., Shahi, N., Habiba, B., Rather, M.I. (2016). Hematological profiling of Triplophysa marmorata (Heckel 1838) from water bodies of Kashmir HimalayaA Perspective. J Fish Aquat Sci, 11, 296 – 303.
  • Rather, M. I., Yousuf, A. R., Shahi, N., Rehman, M., & Meraj, M. (2015). Consequences of lake deweeding on periphytic algae: a case study of Dal Lake, Kashmir. Journal of Research and Development, 14.
  • Zargar, U. R., Chishti, M. Z., Ahmad, F., & Rather, M. I. (2015). Does alteration in biodiversity really affect disease outcome? – A debate is brewing. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 22(1), 14 – 18. https://​doi​.org/​1​0​.​1​0​1​6​/​j​.​s​j​b​s​.​2​0​1​4​.​0​5.004
  • Meraj, M., Yousuf, A. R., Bhat, F. A., Ali, M. N., Ganai, B. A., Shahi, N., & Rather, M. I. (2014). Alteration in Hematology of Triplophysa marmorata under the stress of pollution from water bodies of Kashmir Valley. Journal of Research and Development, 14, 57 – 65.
  • Shahi, N., Yousuf, A. R., Rather, M. I., Ahmad, F., & Yaseen, T. (2013). First report of blood parasites in fishes from Kashmir and their effect on the haematological profile. Open Veterinary Journal, 3(2), 89 – 95.
  • Rather, M. I., Yousuf, A. R., Shahi, N., Meraj, M., Zargar, U. R., Khanday, S. A., Mushtaq, B., & Yaseen, T. (2013). Understanding the cause of Fishkill in Nigeen Lake. Journal of Research and Development, 13, 20 – 33.
  • Shahi, N., Rather, M. I., Yousuf, A. R., Meraj, M., Ahmad, F., & Yaseen, T. (2013). Trypanosoma mukasai in the fishes from Kashmir — A First Report. Journal of Research and Development, 13, 97 – 105.
  • Zargar, U. R., Chisti, M. Z., & Rather, M. I. (2012). Can we convince Veterinarians about the positive aspects of Parasites? Journal of Research and Development, 12, 145 – 149.