How field practice enabled a student to develop a teaching approach

Sreeraj A highlights how field practice equipped him with essential insights for his career as an education practitioner.

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Participating in the field practices provided by the MA Education programme was instrumental in enhancing my understanding of the course and the expectations after its completion. These experiences effectively bridged the gap between theoretical knowledge and its practical application. 

Engaging in various field practices instilled a sense of confidence in me and allowed me to assess my capabilities and skills. The continuous support and feedback from mentors further contributed to my growth and improvement.

The three-month engagement with government school students, teachers, and administrators was particularly valuable. These interactions not only facilitated the connection between theory and practice but also highlighted the importance of understanding the students’ context. This insight enabled me to develop a teaching approach that considered the unique needs of the learners.

My perspective shifted from initially blaming government school teachers for the failures of the education system to recognising that these issues stemmed from multiple layers of complexity.”

Sreeraj A

As someone without prior work experience, this opportunity was especially beneficial, as it provided me with a clearer understanding of the expectations of a future education practitioner. It was particularly advantageous because many of my peers had prior teaching or education-related experience. However, despite their backgrounds, everyone benefited from gaining new knowledge about the real-world education system.

During the field practices, my perspective shifted from initially blaming government school teachers for the failures of the education system to recognising that these issues stemmed from multiple layers of complexity. Interacting with teachers revealed the significance of their autonomy and direct involvement in curriculum development, which, unfortunately, they were often denied due to bureaucratic approaches.

Having the chance to experience these lessons firsthand through field practices was indeed a remarkable opportunity. It allowed me to comprehend the realities of the education system at the grassroots level and equipped me with essential insights for my future career as an education practitioner.

About the Author

Sreeraj A is a student of MA in Education (2021 – 23) at Azim Premji University.

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