Research Fellow — Livelihoods

We invite applications for the role of Research Fellow in the area of Informality, Work and Livelihoods’.

This project aims to: study informality, work, and livelihoods’, develop capacity building short programmes, publish reports and academic papers, work on collaborative book projects, and do public writing.

This is a full time one-year position, with a possibility of contract renewal for a second year upon evaluation.


As a Research Fellow, you will:

  • Conceptualise research activities in the domains stated above. 
  • Analyse publicly available datasets related to labour, informal enterprises, and livelihood, and contribute to publications.
  • Co-develop and offer short programmes and training modules for development practitioners.
  • Develop teaching aides, case studies, and other learning resources.
  • Collaboratively write papers, book chapters, reports
  • Develop materials to inform public debates, through writings in the popular media both in English as well as regional languages.
  • Conduct events and perform any other duties needed to support the work of the initiative.
  • An advanced degree in relevant domains or in one of the social sciences disciplines, with relevant research experience for 4 – 5 years.
  • Demonstrated expertise in qualitative/​quantitative research methods.
  • Competence in academic writing like case study, research papers, etc.
  • The ability to work with large datasets will be preferred.

Please email the following documents to <facultypositions@​apu.​edu.​in> with the subject line​“Application for Research Fellow — Livelihood”:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Cover letter
  • A sample of research work (e.g. academic publications, technical reports, policy brief, analytical case study or others)
  • Completed Information Summary Sheet