School Education in Finland

History, Emerging Trends and Questions

Panel Discussion poster

Panelists: Hannele Cantell and Jaana Pesonen

Moderator: Rishikesh B S

About the Speakers

Hannele Cantell (PhD) works as associate professor at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland. Her main research and teaching interests are sustainability and climate education, and geography education. In addition, the inequality questions of the global south — global north interest her. Cantell is an active, nominated non-fiction and novel writer, and conversationalist in Finland. After encountering a disability, she is now more interested in the questions of all people’s equity and equality in education and society.

Jaana Pesonen (PhD) works as a university lecturer at the Faculty of Education, University of Helsinki. Her teaching is focused on early childhood teacher education, but she also teaches in class teacher programme as well as in the international master’s programme. Pesonen’s areas of research include diversity, antiracism and intercultural education. In addition, she has worked in critical literacy and children’s literature.