Understanding Learning Disabilities Through an Ecological Lens

Addressing learning disabilities from a more holistic, ecological lens, unpacking myriad factors, both within and surrounding the child, that contribute to learning outcomes and potential.

LD Webinar 2023 Nov 20 SM Post 2

Join this webinar to understand learning disabilities from a more holistic, ecological lens, unpacking myriad factors, both within and surrounding the child, that contribute to the learning outcomes and their potential

The medicalisation of learning disabilities resulted in a lack of attention to diverse learning environments and the oversight of the intricate interplay between contextual factors in the growth of children with learning disabilities. 

Perspectives from the social sciences went on to look at learning disabilities as a social construct, which means that the learning problems do not reside in the head of the student but in the complex social interactions that take place in a system called school, implying that broader social, political and cultural contexts play a role in determining if a child has a learning disability. 

Consequently, the approach to helping children who are thought to have learning disabilities shifted from a deficit perspective to a more holistic perspective. 

This webinar addresses learning disabilities from a more holistic, ecological lens, unpacking myriad factors, both within and surrounding the child, that contribute to learning outcomes and potential. 

Some of the questions that this webinar will try to address include:

  • What are the elements in the learning environment and the overall ecosystem of the child that might impact the child’s learning journey?
  • To what extent are systemic interventions for learning difficulties possible to be implemented in schools?
  • How can teachers ensure that children with LD develop and sustain a sense of school-belonging?
  • What contributes to the school climate? Why are these factors so crucial in the development of children with LD?
  • Do the existing policies cater to the needs of children with LD?
  • What are the characteristics of effective parent-child, teacher-child, and teacher-parent relationships?

The discussions through this webinar will give insights into the experiences of the various stakeholders in creating effective learning environments for children with learning disabilities.

Who Should Join

The webinar is ideal for school teachers, special educators, counsellors and school heads working in private and public school systems in India.

Our Panellists

  • Dharmaraju Kakani, Mentor (Sixth Energy Technologies Pvt Ltd); Application Architect (PIRLLabs)
  • Anupa Gnanakan, Director, Acts Group of Institutions
  • Deepthy Sathyanathan, Head, Special Education Department, The Samhita Academy 
  • Bhuvaneswari B, Faculty, Azim Premji University

Watch the webinar:

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