Situating Children’s Voices in Foundational Learning

Understand the importance of listening to children and the need to include their voices in our curriculum

ECE Webinar 16 Nov 2023 Thumbnail

The National Curriculum Framework for the Foundational Stage (NCF-FS, 2022) provides an integrated curriculum framework for children in the 3 – 8 years. This includes 5 years of schooling from preschool to Grade 2. 

The framework lists a set of principles which are meant to guide the teaching and learning at the Foundational Stage. 

In this webinar we will draw upon examples to understand how children’s voices can address some of these principles outlined in NCF-FS

We will specifically talk about the need to give space to children’s voices as an important way to develop their socio-emotional competence, cognitive abilities, meaning making and discovery.

Join our interactive webinar as we discuss the importance of listening to children in formal and informal spaces. The experts will discuss practices that can support ECE professionals to incorporate children’s voices and life experiences in their content and teaching at the Foundational Stage. 

Some questions that we will discuss with the experts:

  • What do we mean by children’s voices and why should we listen? 
  • How can our curriculum and daily schedule provide space for children’s expressions?
  • What role can parents and teachers play in recognizing and supporting children’s voices?
  • How can listening to children inform our interactions and practice? 

The discussions will be useful to develop the knowledge base and sensitivity required to work with young children and appreciate the diverse voices and perspectives that children bring into formal and informal spaces. 

Who should join?

The webinar is ideal for teachers, educators, parents, leaders and other functionaries in education with children in early years.


Kinnari Pandya, Faculty, Azim Premji University

Shipra Suneja, Faculty, Azim Premji University


Ira Joshi, Faculty, Azim Premji University

Watch the webinar: