Understanding MA Education at Azim Premji University

Join us to clarify all your programme and admission-related queries regarding the MA Education programme (2023−25) at Azim Premji University.

MA Education Apply now

This session is exclusively for students who are considering our early round of admissions to the MA Education programme.

Participants can join any time between 5 PM to 6:30 PM

We will answer all questions with regard to the selection process, entrance test pattern, programme curriculum and career opportunities. 

Zoom Meeting: https://​zoom​.us/​j​/​9​6​5​7​2​6​4​1​0​0​3​?​p​w​d​=​a​F​V​I​d​W​x​p​d​T​N​q​R​D​A​0​W​E​t​M​Z​2​d​K​Z​n​N​CQT09

Meeting ID: 965 7264 1003

Passcode: education