Information session : Postgraduate programmes

A webinar on the Postgraduate programmes offered by Azim Premji University

This Webinar will focus on our following Postgraduate Programmes that prepares students for meaningful careers in the education and development sector.

  • MA Education
  • MA Development
  • LLM in Law and Development 

Interact with the faculty members and the admissions team. Know more about the University, Postgraduate programmes, the admission process, scholarships, campus life, and more.

Know more about Life at our Campus →

Postgraduate programmes 2023: Interact with Admissions Office

Join us to clarify all your questions about completing the Application form, the Selection process, and other matters pertaining to Round‑1 Admissions 2023 of our postgraduate programmes.

Time: 18 Nov 2022 | 4 PM IST

Join Zoom Meeting: https://​zoom​.us/​j​/​9​5​4​1​3​6​86621