Field Practice

Field practice aims to provide students with opportunities to engage in a variety of field settings in the context of Indian education.

The multiple field engagement components are designed to help students acquire capabilities that will develop them into educational practitioners who have the requisite knowledge and appropriate skillset to participate and contribute to educational action and interventions in the communities they engage with in their work life. Through the time spent in various settings, the field practice components are expected to develop among students, capabilities to become reflective education practitioners and acquire desirable dispositions and ethical sensitivity to work in educational contexts in India.

Field Practice‑I will take place in the first semester and will be of two weeks’ duration. This component is designed to provide students with opportunities to understand to the structures, processes, and activities associated with the functioning of elementary schools, the public education system in India and the local community. Field Practice- I will be based in Azim Premji Foundation’s field locations. It will enable students to recognise the realities of educational practice and broad issues pertaining to education which could be meaningfully built upon throughout the programme.

Field Practice-II at the end of the second semester spans three weeks and will be located in either nongovernmental organisations working in the domain of education or in government organisations such as
the DIET, SCERT, NCERT, etc. The objective of Field Practice-II is to help students develop an understanding of the working of an organisation involved in education interventions. By closely observing and engaging in an intervention, the students will gain perspectives about the nature of education interventions facilitated in an organisational setting, and develop the capability to critically appreciate and reflect on educational interventions. As students engage in the day to day activities of an organization, it is expected that they will also develop attitudinal and dispositional capabilities required for working in organisational set ups.

Field Practice-III will span 12 weeks during the third semester, in identified Field Institutes of Azim Premji Foundation. During this period, students will focus on: observing teacher’s work in school, teaching in school, assisting in designing and implementing teacher development initiatives, and conducting research. The key objectives of this field practice: are to examine the inter-linkages between society-school-classroom-teaching-learning; understanding school as a context (organizational setup); understand the teachers’ roles and responsibilities (general life of the teacher at school); plan, teach and reflect on the practice of teaching; analyse how teachers participate in communities of practice as learners; and develop dispositions like care and ethical concerns related to working with children and teachers. Given the intense engagement planned during Field Practice 3, a preparation component of two credits has been included in the curriculum.