Ethics in Public Health Practices

A 5‑day course on ethical frameworks, dilemmas and resolutions in all aspects of public health practice including policy and program design, implementation and evaluation, communication, advocacy, research and training.


We offer a week long course in ethical and reflective public health practice which we believe is the cornerstone of realising the common goal of Health for All’.

What kind of health threats and risks deserve an organised response by the health system? How do we balance curative versus preventive and promotive care? How do we communicate health messages that might conflict with local cultural norms? Public health professionals are routinely confronted with such ethical dilemmas and yet receive little training on ethics in public health practice. 

The course is delivered using a range of interactive pedagogical tools including power walking”, small group discussions, role-play, case-study analyses and group projects.

We help you develop

  • A comprehensive understanding of ethical principles in public health and their applications in different settings.
  • Analytical skills to identify and conceive of possible resolutions to ethical dilemmas in participants’ work settings.
  • Tools to adapt universal guidelines and protocols, customising them to specific contexts and work settings.


  • Locating public health ethics: Perspectives and frameworks.
  • Ethical issues in agenda setting and priorities in policy making.
  • Working with programmes: Ethics in design, implementation and evaluation.
  • Ethical issues in public health research.

Course Faculty