two-tailed birds

Why Study Biology?

Biology, the study of life, is complex, messy and wonderful. Every aspect of our lives, from our perception of the world, to the food we eat, to our interactions with nature – incites endless questions. These questions are fundamental to our understanding of nature, but also have many fascinating and unforeseen applications for human life.

Life has to be studied at all sizes (from molecules to ecosystems) and over many time scales (milliseconds to millennia) in microbes, plants and animals. Thus biology is a very vast arena, which often requires interdisciplinary ideas – from economics, physics, data science, maths, social sciences and chemistry biology.

An undergraduate degree in biology at Azim Premji University offers a broad overview of different aspects of biology. The structure of the programme, inculcates critical thinking and problem solving abilities, and allows one to choose careers from wide ranging fields:

Wildlife and Conservation Biology

Molecular Biology and Biotechnology


Disease Ecology

Public Health

Science Communication

Science Education


Marketing and Sales

Our alumni have chosen various paths after graduating to pursue their passion – from graduate work (MSc or MA), research fellowships, teaching fellowships, employment with NGOs, fieldwork etc.