Why should you choose Azim Premji University?

Our collegial environment offers you a space to explore ideas, people to inspire and collaborate with, and an environment of care.

SAS faculty

At Azim Premji University, we truly believe in working together. This is at the core of everything we do, whether teaching in a classroom or ensuring smooth admissions processes for our new students. We try to learn from one another everyday, bringing support and care to our daily exchanges inside the classroom and outside. It is very important for us that we bring this warmth to everyone who joins us from their very first day on campus. 

Our vibrant campus will always keep you engaged and motivated. We are brimming with activity, whether live music performances, seminars or talks on campus, or regular yoga classes and even marathons! If you’re looking for some time off, our playfields, music and art spaces are open to all to use. Our sustainable campus offers gardening, farming opportunities and cycling tracks.

We encourage you to explore ideas of interest, and build on your areas of work. You will be sure to find people around you that you can collaborate with, who will dialogue and challenge you as you work towards deepening your research. We provide research grants and have a vast library with extensive resources. 

On our campus, we ensure that we include everybody and offer a pre-primary school and childcare facility along with residences. Our community often lives in the vicinity of the campus, offering opportunities for close engagement. We will soon have residences on campus too. 

We foster a collegial environment for all of us to live, learn and work productively together. And we will make sure you experience it. Whether you are a parent looking for support, a researcher seeking opportunity for your work, or looking to engage with students inside and outside the classroom space, we are here to help you along.