T Venkata Sai Sasidhar

Areas of Interest & Expertise

  • Policy Agendas and Advocacy
  • Political Communication
  • Social and Political Movements
  • Election Campaigns
  • Digital Politics


I hold a Master’s degree in Public Policy from National Law School of India University and an Engineering degree from JNTU (Hyderabad). Prior to joining Azim Premji University, I was an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Public Policy at Mount Carmel College (Autonomous), Bengaluru where I developed and taught courses on policy analysis and political communication. During my stint as a political consultant, I gained hands on experience in policy advising and political advocacy. I believe that policy problems are incomplete if the interplay of political, social and economic is discounted. I am very keen to comprehend the politics of development and always attempt to situate public problems within political contexts. 


Chapter in Edited Book

Pellissery, S. & Sasidhar, TVS. (2018). India as a Post-Colonial Welfare State. In Routledge Handbook of the Welfare State (pp. 223 – 231). Print. ISBN: 9781138631649

Working Paper

Is Multi-Party Coalition Government Better for The Protection of Socially Backward Classes in India?. (2016). United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research. https://​www​.wider​.unu​.edu/​p​u​b​l​i​c​a​t​i​o​n​/​m​u​l​t​i​-​p​a​r​t​y​-​c​o​a​l​i​t​i​o​n​-​g​o​v​e​r​n​m​e​n​t​-​b​e​t​t​e​r​-​p​r​o​t​e​c​t​i​o​n​-​s​o​c​i​a​l​l​y​-​b​a​c​k​w​a​r​d​-​c​l​a​s​s​e​s​-​india


Pellissery, S., Manocha, P., Mukherjee, S., Sasidhar, TVS. & Kaushik, N. (2015). The Sugarcane Conundrum: Some Policy Recommendations to Avert the Crisis. In Law, (2), 64 – 67.



Enabling Entrepreneurship through Social Security. (2020). Global Alliance for Mass Entrepreneurship. https://​massen​tre​pre​neur​ship​.org/​w​p​-​c​o​n​t​e​n​t​/​u​p​l​o​a​d​s​/​2​0​2​0​/​0​3​/​E​n​a​b​l​i​n​g​-​E​n​t​r​e​p​r​e​n​e​u​r​s​h​i​p​-​T​h​r​o​u​g​h​-​S​o​c​i​a​l​-​S​e​c​u​r​i​t​y.pdf