S Kumar Mallavarapu

Areas of Interest & Expertise

  • Topological Solitons
  • Neutron Stars
  • Quantum Chromodynamics
  • Cold Atom Physics


S Kumar Mallavarapu is a theoretical physicist who has made a significant contribution to research about the study of dense quark matter and cold atom systems. In this regard, several aspects of quark superfluidity in the two-fluid formalism were derived from an underlying field-theoretic model. Another important discovery was that the first (second) sound evolves from a density (temperature) wave at low temperatures to a temperature (density) wave at high temperatures. 

Furthermore, Kumar created a lattice simulation confirming the decay of a superfluid vortex (in the colour-flavour-locked phase of quark matter) into semi-superfluid vortices. Additionally, he has studied issues related to population trapping in periodically driven Rydberg atoms. In this context, he has published on the analogue of the Kapitza’s pendulum problem at the quantum level. Problems related to the application of field theory and quantum mechanics appeal to him. 

As part of his academic career, he has taught undergraduate courses such as wave mechanics, quantum mechanics, electricity and magnetism, optics, and mathematical methods. He has also taught postgraduate physics courses on electromagnetic theory, nuclear and particle physics, and mathematical physics. He has also taught a programming-based course on statistical inference in data science. 


Journal Articles

Conference Proceedings

The full list of his publications can be found here.