Manjula M

Areas of Interest & Expertise

  • Ecological Economics
  • Climate Change Adaptation
  • Gender
  • Livelihoods
  • Social enterprises


Manjula has 14 years’ experience as a researcher in MS Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) with a brief stint at a research analytics firm. She works on ecological, social and economic concerns of rural livelihoods, community-based adaptation to climate change, conservation of natural resources, ecosystem services, and sustainable agriculture. She is also interested in the political economy of gendered access to productive resources. Her development-interventions is largely focused on the interface of gender and agriculture. She has been instrumental in implementing several programs aimed at strengthening livelihoods of resource poor rural women across diverse agro-ecologies. These include developing gendered agricultural value chains, promoting women managed agribusiness enterprises and nurturing women farmers’ producer companies.

Certificate Courses


Peer Reviewed Journal

  • Lalit Kumara, M. Manjula, Ramachandra Bhatta, L. Venkatachalam,D. Suresh Kumare, P. Indira Devi and Pranab Mukhopadhyay “ Doubling India’s Farm Incomes: Paying Farmers for Ecosystem Services, Not Just Crops”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol LIV, No.23, June, 2019
  • M. Manjula Gender in Indian Energy Policy: A Note, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 54, Issue No. 3, 19 Jan, 2019
  • M. Manjula, L Venkatachalam, Pranab Mukhopadhyay, Lalit Kumar, (2019) Ecosystems Service Approach for Revitalizing Agriculture in India, Current Science, VOL. 116, NO. 5, pp. 723 – 727. March 2019
  • Dev Nathan, Indira Sakhya, R. Rengalakshmi, M. Manjula., Shantanu Gaekwad, and Govind Kelkar, 2018. The Value of Rural Women’s Labour in Production and Wood Fuel Use: A Framework for Analysis. Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 53, Issue No. 26 – 27. 30 Jun, 2018
  • Dev Nathan, M. Manjula, R. Rengalakshmi and Govind Kelkar (2018) Reduction of GHG Emissions: Women’s Work and Energy in Systems of Rice Intensification and Clean Cooking, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 53, No.17. April 2018
  • R. Rengalakshmi, M. Manjula, and M. Devaraj, (2018) Making Climate change communication gender sensitive: Lessons from Tamil Nadu”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 53, No.17. April 2018
  • Girigan Gopi and M. Manjula, (2018). Speciality rice biodiversity of Kerala: need for incentivizing conservation in the era of changing climate. Current Science, VOL. 114. NO. 5. 10 March 2018
  • P Indira Devi, Lalit Kumar, D Suresh Kumar, M. Manjula, Pranab Mukhopadhyay, P Raghu, Devinder Sharma, R Sridhar, L Venkatachalam (2017) Payment for Ecosystem Services: Guaranteed Farm Income and Sustainable Agriculture”, Economic and Political Weekly. APRIL 29, 2017 Vol.52 No 17
  • M. Manjula, and Girigan Gopi (2017): Universal access to clean cooking energy and the need for an inclusive policy: Evidence from analysis of cooking fuel use in Odisha and Tamil Nadu”, DECISION Vol. 44(3), 193 – 207, DOI 10.1007/s40622-017‑0159‑3
  • M. Manjula, (2012). Crisis to Confidence: The Experience of Mahila Kisan Sasakthikaran Pariyojana Programme for Empowerment of Women Farmers-In Vidarabha Region of Maharashtra”, Universitas Forum: International Journal on Human Development and International Cooperation, Vol.3, No.1.
  • Sundareshan, TR.Shanmugam and M. Manjula, (2002). National Agricultural Policy – A Critical Appraisal”, Indian Economic Panorama, Jan, 2002

Book Chapters:

Outreach Articles:

  • Manjula.M and Amalendu Jyotishi (2020). Caught off-guard: Rethinking dignity of labour, public health, and governance as the virus settles’, The Critical Mirror
  • Girigan Gopi, Manjula.M and Sivan (2018), Agrobiodiversity in Rice for Flood Resistance, Farm Information Bureau, November 2018
  • Manjula.M, R. Rengalakshmi and Thachinamurthy K (2017). Gender and policies in livestock production – Issues and opportunities”, LEISA, Issue 19.3, September
  • Devaraj, Manjula.M and R.Rengalakshmi (2018) Challenges and Opportunities for Mainstreamng Gender in Farmer Producer Organisation: A Case Study of Farmer Producer Organisation at Dindugul, Tamil Nadu, 15th Women in Changing World: Restructured Inequalities, Counter Currents and Sites of Resistance, National Conference of Women Studies,. 22nd to 25th Jan, 2017
  • Girigan Gopi and Manjula.M (2016). Rice Can be a Medicine, If We Conserve Them’’ Kerala Karshakan, E‑Journal
  • Manjula.M, Girigan Gopi and Vipindas (2017) Wetland Paddy Ecosystems and Amphibian Diversity: Need for Compensating Conservation”, SANDEE working Paper
  • Manjula.M and R. Rengalakshmi (2016). Making Research Collaborations: Learning from Interdisciplinary Engagements. Working Paper No.9, M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation.
  • Govind Kelkar, Dev Nathan, R. Rengalakshmi and Manjula.M (2017). For Clean Cooking Energy in Rural India: Women’s Empowerment and LPG as Prestige Good”. 
  • Manjula.M and Rengalakshmi. R (2017) Ujwala Yojana – A Positive Step Towards Reaching LPG to the Unreached in genergypolecon website
  • Rengalakshmi and Manjula.M (2017) Gendered disparities in accessing clean energy resources for agriculture production — Role of technical, social, economic and political factors genergypolecon website