Juhi Tyagi

Areas of Interest & Expertise

  • Social Change
  • Development Trajectories
  • Organizational & Economic Sociology


Prior to her appointment at Azim Premji University, Juhi was an EU-Marie Skłodowska Curie Fellow at the Max Weber Kolleg, Erfurt and an M.S. Merian – R. Tagore Fellow at the International Centre for Advanced Studies, Delhi. She has a PhD in Sociology from the State University of New York at Stony Brook where she examined how insurgencies become sustained radical movements. Her recent work explores the impact of social movements on the development trajectory of local economies, and the effect of networks of the poor in how climate catastrophes are experienced and mitigated.


  • Tyagi, J. Divergent structures, divergent leverage: radical movements, women and power.’ In Goodwin, J. and M. Schwartz (Ed.). Political Economy of Social Movements. (Forthcoming, Winter 2020)
  • Tyagi, J. 2019. Wrecked: How the American Automobile Industry Destroyed Its Capacity to Compete — A Review,’ Mobilizing Ideas.
  • Tyagi, J. 2018. Women, Leverage and Peasant Revolutionary Organizations: The Maoist Organizational Field in Telangana,’ The Economic and Political Weekly 53(23): 123 – 131.
  • Tyagi, J. 2018. Individual – territory – movement nexus in armed movement resilience: Case of the Maoist Movement in Warangal, Telangana’ In Savyasaachi (Ed.), Intractable conflicts in Contemporary India: Narratives and Social Movements. New York: Routledge. pp. 125 – 153.
  • Tyagi, J. 2017. Public sociology at its best: Review of The Burning Forest: India’s War in Bastar,’ The Journal of Public and Professional Sociology 9(2), Article 4.
  • Gonzales, G., Tyagi, J., Akin, I., Page, F., Schwartz, M., and van de Rijt, A.(Equal Authorship). 2015. A Field-Experimental Study of Emergent Mobilization in Online Collective Action,’ Mobilization: An International Quarterly 20(3): 281 – 303.
  • Pandolfelli, L., Shandra, J.M., and Tyagi, J. 2014. The International Monetary Fund, Structural Adjustment, and Women’s Health: A Cross-National Analysis of Maternal Mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa.’ The Sociological Quarterly 55(1): 119 – 142.
  • Akin, I., Encina, C., Restivo, M., Schwartz, M., and Tyagi, J. (Equal Authorship). 2012. Old Wine in a New Cask? Protest Cycles in the Age of the New Social Media.’ Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations XIII (1): 89 – 103.
  • Gonzales, G., Kimmel, M., Malekahmadi, F., and Tyagi, J. (Equal Authorship). 2012. The Gender of Resistance: A Case Study Approach to Thinking About Gender in Violent Resistance Movements’ In Linda Åhäll & Laura J. Shepherd (Eds.)
  • Gender, Agency and Political Violence. New York: Palgrave Macmillian. pp 55- 78.
  • Juhi Tyagi (Ed.). 2006.
  • Gender Peace: A dialogue between Gujarat, Kashmir and the North-East. New Delhi: Jagori.

Other Writing

On-going Projects

  • Economies of Struggle: How radical resistance shapes agrarian land and labour practices in Contemporary India’ (Under Review)
  • The Making of Resilient Radical Movements (Manuscript, Under Revision)
  • Non-violence in violent movements: Quantitative evidence of the role of democracy in the making of movements in India’s villages (2000−2012)
  • Revolutionary Political Networks and Post-War Violence in El Salvador (with Kevin Young)