Gomathy Soundararaj

Areas of Interest & Expertise

  • In-service Teacher Education
  • Technology Integrated Learning and Teaching
  • Instructional Design
  • Qualitative Research
  • Early Childhood Education


Gomathy is part of the Professional Development Programme (PDP) team, at the University. Prior to joining Azim Premji University, she worked as a project researcher at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay). 

As an English graduate from Stella Maris College, Chennai, she started her educational journey as a teaching fellow with Teach For India and further pursued an MA in Education at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland.

In her professional path, she has curated and designed capacity-building programmes and online courses to upskill in-service school teachers and leaders. She has also led qualitative research projects on teacher development, technology-integrated learning, and early childhood education in India and Europe.

She is a yoga practitioner and enjoys coffee from all around the world.


Book Chapter

  • Szabó T.P., Burnard P., Harris A., Fenyvesi K., Soundararaj G., Kangasvieri T. (2021). Multiple creativities put to work for creative ecologies in Teacher Professional Learning: A vision and practice of everyday creativity. In S. Lemmetty, K. Collin, V.P. Glăveanu, P. Forsman (Eds.), Creativity and Learning: Contexts, Processes and Support. Palgrave Studies in Creativity and Culture, pp. 115 – 143. Palgrave Macmillan. https://​doi​.org/​1​0​.​1​0​0​7/978 – 3‑030 – 77066-2_6


Book Review

Master’s Thesis

Conference Proceeding

Poster Presentations

  • Soundararaj, G. (2019). In-service Teacher Education: Challenges in the model of discrimination. Association for Teacher Education in Europe Spring Conference: Innovations, technologies and research in education. Riga, Latvia. 
  • Soundararaj, G. (2019). Everyday Creativity: Lessons Learnt from Transforming an In-Service Teacher Education Course to Open Educational Resource. Association for Teacher Education in Europe Spring Conference- Innovations, technologies and research in education. Riga, Latvia. 
  • Soundararaj, G. (2018). The experiences and observation in the classrooms of Kortepohja School from the standpoint of an English teacher from India. Joint International Seminar on Education for Diversity. Stockholm University, Sweden.

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