Dev Kumar Jhanjh

Areas of Interest & Expertise

  • Epigraphic Studies
  • State Formation Process
  • Economic History
  • Environmental History of Early India up to 1300 CE


Dev obtained his PhD degree from the Centre for Historical Studies (CHS), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in 2021. He completed his graduation in History (Honours), followed by Master’s and MPhil degrees in Ancient Indian History and Culture (Specialisation: Epigraphy and Numismatics) from the University of Calcutta.

He was awarded the DAAD Sandwich Fellowship by the German Academic Exchange Service, for the academic year 2018 – 19, which enabled him to pursue a part of his PhD at Martin Luther University, Germany for a year. 

He is currently working on his first book, tentatively titled Coming of the State in Land of the Gods’: The Early Central Himalaya.

He writes bilingually in English and Bengali. Before joining Azim Premji University, he taught history at Adamas University, Jadavpur University, West Bengal State University, and The Sanskrit College and University, West Bengal.

In 2019, the Indian History Congress announced his essay as the best paper of the Ancient India section for which he received Professor Vijay Kumar Thakur Memorial Prize. He was offered to curate a module on Indian Epigraphy for Sahapedia (an open online resource on the arts, culture, and heritage of India) in 2017. 

He also worked as a research assistant for the project A Geographical Glossary of Inscriptions of Eastern India’ at the Department of Sanskrit, Jadavpur University, Kolkata for three years.


Chapters in Edited Books 

Journal Articles

  • Jhanjh, D.K. (2021). Adi aitihasik parve rashtragathner itihas o itihascarcar dhara. Itikotha, IX(2), 33 – 64. 
  • Jhanjh, D.K. (2021). Politics and polity in the central Himalayan region (c. First century BCE to fourth century CE). Journal of Ancient Indian History, xxxii-xxxiii (2016 – 18), 39 – 63.
  • Jhanjh, D.K. (2020). Revisiting a tenth-century copper plate inscription: A Rāṣṭrakūṭa record restruck by the Paramāras. Journal of the Asiatic Society, LXII(3), 33 – 46. https://​asi​at​ic​so​ci​etykolkata​.org/​u​p​l​o​a​d​s​/​J​.​_​N​o​.​_​3​_​2​0​2​0​_​P​D​F.pdf
  • Jhanjh, D.K., & Sinha, K. (2017). Reconstructing a sacred site: A story of temple building, political rise and some Brāhmaṇa governors of Gaya. Journal of Bengal Art, 22, 41 – 49.

Conference Proceedings

2022 1. State formation and Polity of Brahmapura-Kārttikeyapura in 

Central Himalayas (c.5th

-10th centuries CE)’ in Kulke Hermann and 

B.P. Sahu (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the State in Premodern 

India, Routledge, New Delhi, pp. 261 – 277. (ISBN 9780367558970)

2022 2. Raja, Rastra, Rajniti: Prachin Bharatiya Prekkhit’ in Sengupta 

Kaustavmani and Pratyay Nath (eds.), Itihaser Bitarka, Bitarker Itihas: 

Atiter Bharat o Aajker Gobeshana, Ananda Publishers, Kolkata, pp. 

54 – 86. (in Bangla) (ISBN:978 – 93-5425 – 010‑1)

2021 3. Adi Aitihasik Parve Rashtragathner Itihas o Itihascarcar Dhara’, 

Itikotha, vol. IX, no. 2, July Issue, pp. 33 – 64. (in Bangla) (ISSN 2320-


2021 4. Politics and Polity in the Central Himalayan Region (c. First 

Century BCE to Fourth Century CE)’, Journal of Ancient Indian 

History, combined vols. xxxii-xxxiii (2016−18), pp. 39 – 63. (ISSN:

0075 – 4110)

2020 5. Revisiting a Tenth-Century Copper Plate Inscription: A Rāṣṭrakūṭa 

record Restruck by the Paramāras’, Journal of the Asiatic Society, Vol. 

LXII, No. 3, pp. 33 – 46 (ISSN 0368 – 3308)

2020 6. The Ābhīraka Coin: Search for a New Identity’, in Mahalakshmi, 

R. (ed.), Art and History: Texts, Contexts and Visual Representations 

in Ancient and Early Medieval India, Bloomsbury, New Delhi, pp. 20-

34. (ISBN: HB: 978−93−88414−29−6).

2018 7. Akṣaśālika, Akṣaśālin, and Suvarṇakāra as the Engravers of Copper 

Plate Charters of Odisha (c.7th

-11th Centuries CE)’, Proceedings of 

Indian History Congress, 78th Session, pp. 117 – 26. (ISSN: 2249 – 1937)

2017 8. Reconstructing a Sacred Site: A Story of Temple Building, Political 

Rise and Some Brāhmaṇa Governors of Gaya’ jointly with Kanad 

Sinha in Journal of Bengal Art, vol.22, pp. 41 – 49 (ISSN: 1607 – 1344)

2017 9. Paramara Kartrik Punarankita Rastrakuta Lekha: Ekti 

Samiksha’ in Itihas Anusandhan, vol. xxxi, pp. 129 – 36 (in Bangla)

(ISBN: 978−81−910874−8−2)

2016 10. Samaj Darpane Abhirgosthir Paribartita Pratichhabi’ in Itihas 

Anusandhan, vol. xxx, pp. 175 – 81 (in Bangla) (ISBN: 978−81−910874−

7 – 5)

2016 11. Footsteps of the Abhiras in Early India’ in the Volume of Indian 

Association for Asian and Pacific Studies, in Perspective Asia Pacific 

(Proceedings of the Seventh Biennial International Conference), pp. 

74 – 81 (ISBN: 978 93 84721 57 2)

2015 12. Changing Social Contours of the Ābhīras in Early India’ in 

the Proceedings of Indian History Congress, 76th session, pp.101 – 09

(ISSN: 2249 – 1937)

2015 13. Political History of the Abhiras’, in Bhattacharya S.N., R.K.

Chattopadhyay and G. Bhattacharya (eds.), Sanskriti Vichitra (vol. I),

Essence of Art and Archaeology, Museum, Museology and Heritage 

Management (In Honour of Dr. S.S. Biswas), Kaveri Book House, 

New Delhi, pp. 84 – 90. (ISBN: 978−81−7479−183−2)

2014 14. Lekhomalar Aloke Prachin Bharate Abhirader Abasthan’ in Itihas 

Anusandhan, vol. xxviii, pp. 143 – 49 (in Bangla) (ISBN: 978−81−
