Debolina Dey

Areas of Interest & Expertise

  • 19th-Century Literary Forms
  • Health Humanities
  • Digital Cultures


Debolina loves to study cultural imaginations which explore the interplay between material contexts and their metaphorical and/​or idiomatic expressions. How do material practices express themselves as ideas and then how do ideas interact, mutate and transform as constellations and clusters and express themselves as form? 

She completed her Bachelor’s and Master’s from Lady Shri Ram College for Women, Delhi University, and her PhD from Delhi University. She was a fellow at Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin (2013−14). She also received the Charles Wallace India Trust Scholarship (2012−13) and has been recently awarded the Barker Visiting Fellowship at Durham. 

She has previously taught at Lady Shri Ram College for Women and Ramjas College, University of Delhi (2015−2023). Her research interests include 19th-century literary forms, and health humanities/​cultural histories of health. She also works with digital cultures and affective currency in digital contexts. 

She loves to read about food cultures, visual art and write creatively. She confesses to having a weak spot for teaching poetry (especially sufi poetry) and drama even though she loves to engage with other narrative forms. She especially loves to teach texts that deal with myths and archetypes like Dr. Faustus, Frankenstein, and the Mahabharata (selections).


Chapter in Edited Book

  • Dey, D. (2016). Introduction to Pablo Neruda. In S. Sati (Ed.), A Warble of Postcolonial Voices, II, 3 – 21. Worldview Critical Edition.

Journal Articles

Newspaper Article

Magazine Articles

Online Articles


Paper Presentations

  • Dey, D. (2022, March). Deserving of Care? Re-reading the Victorian Workhouse. North-East Modern Language Association, Michigan.
  • Dey, D. (2021, February). Fiction here is likely to contain more truth than fact: Queer Time in Jeanette Winterson’s Fiction. Historical Fictions Research Network.
  • Dey, D. (2019, April). Deviant/​Defiant: Forms of Vagrancy as Exceptions to the Rule. Jawaharlal Nehru University.
  • Dey, D. (2015, March). Interrogating the Scientific’: Disseminating Sanitary Knowledge in Victorian England. Ramjas College, Delhi University.
  • Dey, D. (2014, January). Inf(l)ecting Each Other: Contagious Metaphors in Victorian England. University of Oxford.
  • Dey, D. (2013, September). Plaguing the Cultural Imagination: The Relationship of Paupers to British National Identity. University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom.
  • Dey, D. (2012, December). Contagion in the Cultural Imagination of Victorian England: Oliver Twist and Bleak House. Jadavpur University, Calcutta.


  • Dey, D. (2022, December). Digital Intimacies, Literary Masquerades. [Lecture]. Ashoka University, Sonepat.
  • Dey, D. (2019, March). The Human as a Rhetorical Trope. [Lecture]. Ambedkar University Delhi.
