Anshul Rai Sharma

Areas of Interest & Expertise

  • Spatial and Economic Inequality
  • Human Geography
  • Speculative Urbanism
  • Subaltern Urbanism
  • Urban Planning
  • Social Exclusion


Anshul Rai Sharma completed his Master’s in Public Policy at the National Law School of India University. His thesis, which was based on over six months of Fieldwork in Bengaluru’s slums, examined a range of community-led projects that have improved the quality of life in these settlements.

As an urban researcher, he operates at the crossroads of urban theory, social policy, and welfare in urban India. Anshul’s research has delved into diverse community-driven initiatives within Bengaluru’s slums. 

Presently, his focus is on the analysis of extensive granular-level datasets to comprehend the distribution of welfare throughout Indian cities. He draws liberally from the disciplines of Urban Economics, Subaltern Urbanism and Human Geography to articulate various facets of Urban India. 


Book Reviews

Magazine Article

Online Articles